Marshall Plan scholarship

Date 2021-02-04

Marshall Plan Foundation promotes academic knowledge transfer between Austria and USA | Virtual knowledge exchange with University of Nebraska at Omaha

From left to right: Head of Digital Business & Software Engineering Peter J. Mirski, Marijan Divkovic and Leena Saurwein, Project Manager for International Relations. ©MCI_Kiechl
From left to right: Head of Digital Business & Software Engineering Peter J. Mirski, Marijan Divkovic and Leena Saurwein, Project Manager for International Relations. ©MCI_Kiechl

Due to his excellent academic results and exciting research projects within his bachelor thesis, Marijan Divkovic, student at the Department Digital Business & Software Engineering (DiBSE), received the coveted Marshall Plan Scholarship for his bachelor thesis: "Making Machine Learning accessible for SMEs: Framework requirements and clustering prototype".

Since 2020, it has been possible for students of the DiBSE program to apply for the internationally recognized scholarship. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Marijan Divkovic will be doing virtual research for his bachelor thesis at the 'University of Nebraska at Omaha', thus significantly expanding his expertise.

Peter J. Mirski, head of the Digital Business & Software Engineering program, looks forward to this new form of cooperation: "Our sister university, the University of Nebraska at Omaha, has an excellent reputation. Mr. Divkovic will particularly benefit from the expertise of his U.S. co-supervisor, Professor Deepak Khazanchi."

Marshall Plan Award

The Marshall Plan Scholarship Program (MSP) supports scientific exchanges between students of technical programs in Austria and at prestigious elite universities in the USA. MCI students have been regularly awarded the coveted Marshall Plan Scholarship since 2009.

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