Tyrolean Science Fund 2021

Date 2021-03-26

Eight outstanding research projects receive state funding | Strengthening the innovative power of Tyrol as a business and science location | Special focus on sustainability, location & practical relevance

The Tyrolean Science Fund 2021 was awarded in a small ceremony at the MCI. ©MCI_Kiechl
The Tyrolean Science Fund 2021 was awarded in a small ceremony at the MCI. ©MCI_Kiechl

Every year, the state of Tyrol supports the work of outstanding young scientists with funding from the Tyrolean Science Fund (TWF).

Eight outstanding researchers from the Entrepreneurial School® received the coveted funding this year for their convincing research projects. In addition to scientific quality, special attention was paid to sustainability, location & practical relevance.

The following young scientists from the Entrepreneurial School® received the TWF funding in 2021:

- Wendy Farrell: International Asynchronous E-Learning for Virtual Teams.

This research project focuses on the effectiveness of asynchronous e-learning modules compared to currently used methods, as well as the impact of the respective national culture on the acceptance and use of the modules.

- Franz-Josef Falkner: Experimental and numerical prediction of fatigue life under random vibrations

To prevent premature material fatigue caused by structural vibrations – this is the focus of this research question in order to make reliable statements for the future.

- Thomas Hämmerle: IsoChar

In the IsoChar research project, Thomas Hämmerle is investigating the use of sequestered carbon in the form of charcoal for use in the construction industry.

- Lukas Kerschbaumer: Working Poor - Focus on Precarious Living Realities

People who work and yet live below the poverty line should receive more support in the future. This research will contribute an important part in the consultation, to filter out strengths and weaknesses in the support program.

- Valerie Nickel: Socially accepted role models at the top of Tyrolean family businesses.

The focus is on how executives of Tyrolean family businesses reconcile expectations from business and family and how these are accompanied by processes of social change.

- Thomas Senfter: Mobile Membrane - Mobran

This project is about the evaluation of membrane processes for the removal of micro pollutants such as pharmaceutical residues or micro plastics from wastewater. The Tyrolean science funding will enable the development of a mobile test and demonstration plant, which will serve as a decision-making aid for technology selection at wastewater treatment plants.

- Andreas Walter: The potential of indigenous microalgae to bind micro plastics

Micro plastic is a global problem that has not yet been solved, even for domestic wastewater. Andreas Walter's research project focuses on the question of whether the surfaces of native algae can bind micro plastics and thus act as a kind of biofilter.

- Verena Wiedemair: Pomace as a source of micronutrients

This research project deals with the question whether and to what extent a treatment by pectinases and other enzymes leads to a more efficient extraction of pomace. Subsequently, the extracted antioxidants can then be added to products from other industries (e.g. cosmetics), thus increasing the value chain.

MCI Head of Research & Development Michael Kraxner explains: "Science and research have a special status at the MCI, and the knowledge gained is always solution-oriented. At the Entrepreneurial School®, the focus is on projects that not only meet scientific standards but also promise particular benefits in terms of location impact, sustainability and implementation potential. I warmly congratulate the honorees and thank the state of Tyrol for supporting these projects, which are so important for our future."

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