Marshall Plan Scholarship 2021

Date 2021-06-17

Johannes Sieberer receives scholarship to prestigious Yale University | Strengthening scientific transfer between Austria & USA

From left to right: Leena Saurwein, Project Manager for International Relations, Johannes Sieberer and Alexander Hörbst, Head of the Medical Technologies program. ©MCI_Kiechl
From left to right: Leena Saurwein, Project Manager for International Relations, Johannes Sieberer and Alexander Hörbst, Head of the Medical Technologies program. ©MCI_Kiechl

To strengthen the scientific exchange between Austria and the USA, the Marshall Plan Scholarship is awarded annually to Austrian students with outstanding academic achievements. In 2021, an MCI student will again have the unique opportunity to spend a research period at the renowned university Yale in the USA.

Johannes Sieberer, a master's student in the English-language Medical Technologies program, received the scholarship for his innovative ideas in the field of virtual reality. In his master's thesis, he investigates the difficulties that people in wheelchairs are confronted with in their everyday environment and which coping strategies are successful. The whole process is implemented in the form of a wheelchair simulator. The results can be applied in a variety of ways, such as testing different building designs for their accessibility. On the other hand, people in wheelchairs can practice certain everyday situations in advance, such as crossing streets.

Johannes Sieberer will complete his study visit from July 2021 to February 2022 at Yale University in New Haven (USA) at the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media.

His supervisor, Alexander Hörbst, is very pleased: "International exchange in medical technology is essential. I am delighted for Mr. Sieberer that his excellent performance will enable him to complete this study visit. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the everyday international research life of a renowned university and to build international networks."

Marshall Plan Award

The Marshall Plan Scholarship Program (MSP) supports scientific exchanges between students of technical programs in Austria and at prestigious elite universities in the USA. MCI students have been regularly awarded the coveted Marshall Plan Scholarship since 2009.

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