Studying at MCI as a high school student? - Join now

Date 2021-07-29

Participation in "Pupils to higher education institutions" | Initiative of the Young Science Center of the OeAD | Selected pupils gain insights into everyday study life.

Pupils have the opportunity to gain insights into everyday study life at MCI.
Pupils have the opportunity to gain insights into everyday study life at MCI. ©MCI_Kasper

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck offers new possibilities: It is now part of the initiative of the Young Science Center of the OeAD "Pupils to higher education institutions".

The new offer enables particularly motivated pupils to attend courses at the MCI while still at secondary school and to take exams that can later be credited towards their studies. Pupils are exempt from tuition fees and can gain valuable insights for their choice of studies.

The following Bachelor's degree programs already offer the opportunity to take a taster course: Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, Digital Business & Software Engineering, Biotechnology & Food Engineering as well as Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management. Further offers are in preparation.

After the official application via the OeAD, the Agency for Education and Internationalization, a personal interview is arranged with the relevant department head at MCI. In this meeting, the scope and type of courses are agreed in order to respond flexibly to the motivation and performance levels of the individual pupil.

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