"Dr. Schär Scholarship" goes to MCI students

Date 2022-02-28

MCI High Potentials Lisa Bertolini & Katherina Telser, Bachelor of Bio-& Food Technology students awarded prestigious scholarship by successful South Tyrolean company | Scholarship provides exceptional opportunities

From left to right: Katherina Telser, MCI student, Lisa Bertolini, MCI student and Valentina Thurner, Corporate HR Marketing Expert at Dr. Schär. ©Dr. Schä
From left to right: Katherina Telser, MCI student, Lisa Bertolini, MCI student and Valentina Thurner, Corporate HR Marketing Expert at Dr. Schär. ©Dr. Schär

The coveted scholarship from Dr. Schär, the South Tyrolean food and nutrition specialist, is once again awarded to MCI students for outstanding academic achievements.

Lisa Bertolini is currently studying for a bachelor's degree in Bio & Food Technology in her 3rd semester. The native from Merano convinced the jury with her outstanding academic achievements, an impressive letter of motivation, convincing expertise in the subject-related disciplines and exciting career ideas. Several high-level options are currently being considered for use of the scholarship.

Katherina Telser is a 5th semester student in the Bachelor Bio- & Food Technology program and is currently working on her bachelor thesis on a quality concept for a new production line in a food technology company. The South Tyrolean from Lana will contribute the knowledge she gained during her semester abroad at the Technological University Dublin in the winter semester of 2021.

MCI Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck, Head of the Department of Bio-& Food Technology explains: "The excellent academic achievements of both students and their exceptional interest in complex dietary nutrition solutions were demonstrated by Ms. Bertolini and Ms. Telser several times during their studies. I am very pleased that our students are receiving and seizing such great opportunities."

Dr. Schär Performance Scholarship

The exemplary cooperation between MCI and leading food specialist Dr. Schär has been in place since 2015. The focus is on promoting talent in the field of food technology, giving them the opportunity to combine theory and practice while still studying and providing insight into future career fields. Particularly outstanding students are supported with the "Dr. Schär Performance Scholarship".




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