Tyrolean Science Fund 2022 - MCI successful with 7 projects

Date 2022-04-06

Seven exciting research projects receive state funding | Focus on location, practical relevance & sustainability


From left to right: Michael Kraxner, Tobias Niederkofler, Magdalena Posch, Matthias Janetschek, Nina Schaaf, Andreas Altmann, Yevgen Bogodistov, Angela Hofmann // ©MCI/Geisler
From left to right: Michael Kraxner, Tobias Niederkofler, Magdalena Posch, Matthias Janetschek, Nina Schaaf, Andreas Altmann, Yevgen Bogodistov, Angela Hofmann // ©MCI/Geisler

Every year, the state of Tyrol supports the work of outstanding scientists with funding from the Tyrolean Science Fund (TWF).

This year, seven remarkable researchers from the Entrepreneurial School® received the coveted funding for their convincing research projects. In addition to scientific quality, special attention was paid to location, practical relevance and sustainability. With their focus on regionality, circular economy and inclusion, the award-winning research projects also contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which MCI strategically integrates into day-to-day life on campus.


The following young scientists from the Entrepreneurial University® received TWF funding:

Magdalena Posch, Management, Communication & IT
Smart Inclusion - supporting the independence of people with disabilities using Smart Glasses

Angela Hofmann, Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Determination of the utilization potential of a synthesized humic by-product from hexoses of renewable raw materials

Yevgen Bogodistov, Business Administration Online
Ethical decision-making in times of uncertainty: heuristics of physicians during the Corona pandemic

Matthias Janetschek, Management, Communication & IT
Prototypical Implementation of an intelligent tutoring system for introductory programming courses

Nina Schaaf, Environmental, Process & Energy Technology
Use of charcoal from the gasification process for emission and odor reduction in slurry storage

Tobias Niederkofler, Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Experimental investigation of different thermochemical storage materials in a discontinuously operated reactor

Nataly Knöpfle, Food Technology & Nutrition
Investigation of the development of the flavor profile during fermentation and distillation of Brassicaceae in relation to "Wildschönauer Krautinger".


Michael Kraxner, Head of Research and Development at MCI, explains: "The research projects deal with topics that incorporate site-specific knowledge and international results in order to increase innovation and value creation of Tyrol as a science location. With its focus on sustainable development, the MCI once again demonstrates its forward-looking research direction. I warmly congratulate the award winners and thank the state of the Tyrol for supporting these projects, which are so important for our future."

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