Again top results for MCI in CHE University Ranking!

Date 2022-05-04

27 ratings in top group | Excellent marks for professional practice, organization, student support, employability and IT infrastructure.

Excellent results for the Entrepreneurial School® in the latest CHE Ranking. Photo: MCI/Geisler
Excellent results for the Entrepreneurial School® in the latest CHE Ranking. Photo: MCI/Geisler

Once again, the Entrepreneurial School® has scored outstanding results in the recently published University Ranking by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE). The student evaluation placed the MCI's high-quality degree programs in the top group in several categories.

This year's ranking focuses on study programs in the field of Technology & Life Sciences. The following MCI Bachelor's degree programs were evaluated:

  • Biotechnology & Food Engineering
  • Mechatronics and 
  • Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering

Among the numerous indicators included in the evaluation, the MCI scored particularly well in terms of study organization, IT infrastructure and employability (career orientation & preparation).

The evaluation also included the master's programs

  • Medical Technologies and
  • Food Technology & Nutrition,

which were able to position themselves in the top fields as well. They could excel in categories, such as the close contact with professional practice, the duration of studies and the intensive support at the beginning of studies.

Brigitte Auer, Quality Manager at the MCI, is pleased with the excellent results: "Since its establishment, the MCI has stood for highest quality and continuous development, which the excellent ratings of our future-oriented study programs prove once again."

MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann proudly says, "International quality reviews and rankings provide important information for students and employers. I am very pleased that the quality of the MCI has once again been impressively confirmed."

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