Date 2022-10-11

"Changemakers" from all over the world visit conference in Innsbruck | Focus on responsible management and sustainability














Under the motto "Societal Impact through Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Responsible Leadership Education for the Changemakers of tomorrow", executives, researchers, lecturers and students from around the world met at the Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck to exchange latest insights and practical applications of responsible management and discuss the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

150 delegates from 30 countries and a unique program of more than 70 sessions made the conference a resounding success. Over the course of three days, participants engaged in an intensive exchange on the topic of "Societal Impact through Entrepreneurship & Innovation" in a variety of high-level events.

Countless highlights

A number of workshops, on topics such as climate simulation and effective leadership practices, as well as the presentation of research on management education for sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship, futures studies, poverty alleviation, gamification, climate change, and sustainable change agents, were highlights of the conference. Panel discussions and contributions from inspiring speakers provided insights on topics such as social entrepreneurship, paradigm shifts, and decarbonization.

Also, Georg Willi, Mayor of Innsbruck, and Deputy Governor Ingrid Felipe attended the event, both stressing our responsibility for the future and the importance of education in this context.

The conference was made possible by the kind support of the conference partner Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe (IKB), the City of Innsbruck and IFL Engineering Consulting, as well as the sponsors Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (WKO), Cura Cosmetics and Bio vom Berg.

Statements & Reactions

"The RMER Conference enabled us to bring international experts in the field of education for sustainable development and responsible business management to the MCI, who further developed these topics in an intensive exchange with each other and with local actors - also in the context of entrepreneurship. We are pleased about the many positive responses and the opportunities for further international cooperation resulting from this."

Regina Obexer & Desiree Wieser, Conference Coordinators, MCI Center for Responsible Management & Social Impact

"Sustainable development and responsible management are central topics at MCI. Through this conference, we have created an international stage that has focused on the urgency of these concerns, but also on the positive approaches of co-creative collaboration between different stakeholders far beyond the Entrepreneurial School®. The results and responses inspire us to continue working on these issues with energy and strength."

Andreas Altmann, MCI-Rector


“More than just inspiring! How many wonderful and useful lessons to take back home to our business schools. Thank you for a great conference!”

Alexandra Grammenau, ZHAW, Switzerland

“Thank you for the invitation to facilitate a workshop and for organizing this fruitful conference! It was great to meet everyone, to touch base with academia and PRME and to see where the community could join forces in partnerships to accelerate the SDGs.”

Stefanie Weniger, Global Compact Network Austria

"I personally gained a lot from the conference, it provided a lot of inputs that I rarely get otherwise, very inspiring. And, I was also very impressed with the realization of the Green Event."

Birgit Bosio, MCI lecturer, Tourism


Green Event Tirol

The RMER Conference 2022 was awarded as GREEN EVENT TIROL. Green events are events that give special consideration to ecological, social and economic sustainability. GREEN EVENTS TIROL is an initiative of Klimabündnis Tirol and Umwelt Verein Tirol in cooperation with the province of Tyrol to promote an environmentally and socially responsible event culture.

MCI Center for Responsible Management & Social Impact

In 2021, MCI established the Center for Responsible Management & Social Impact to initiate, coordinate and support actions, projects and activities that prepare our students for a complex and uncertain world, achieve real impact through research, and stimulate, support and advance discourse on engagement, responsibility, sustainability and ethics.


Since the beginning, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® has lived the fundamental values of UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and has been a member since 2011. PRME is an initiative of the UN Global Compact Office, the United Nations corporate network for sustainable and responsible management. The PRME principles are designed to help universities and higher education institutions educate a new generation of leaders capable of responsibly managing complex challenges of the 21st century.

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 Patricia Pichler, BA | Marketing Manager Marketing & Communications
Patricia Pichler, BAMarketing Manager
Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of Education | Conference Coordinator Student & Career Center
Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of EducationConference Coordinator

Thank you to our sponsors:

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