MCI applauds Tyrolean science funding

Date 2023-02-03

State of Tyrol establishes new science funding system for 2023-2027 | 8.6 million euros already available for 2023 | Opportunities for research, technology, innovation and start-ups

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is pleased with the new Tyrolean science funding. ©MCI / Anna Geisler
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is pleased with the new Tyrolean science funding. ©MCI / Anna Geisler

The eight Tyrolean universities, with almost 40,000 students and 11,000 employees, do not only contribute significantly to the Tyrolean economy, but also to innovation in the fields of science, education and technology. In order to increase this potential even further, the Tyrolean government has just approved the new Tyrolean Science Funding Program, a decision the MCI is delighted about.

"We are very excited about this courageous initiative by the State of Tyrol," MCI Rector Andreas Altmann says. "As an Entrepreneurial School®, we will do everything we can to seize the new opportunities and move the location forward."

Michael Kraxner, Head of Research & Technology Transfer at MCI, adds, "I see great potential in each individual program track for developing new technologies, processes, products and business models, as well as optimizing existing ones."

Anita Zehrer, Head of the Center for Family Business and Head of Research for Business & Society at MCI, agrees, "Our research focuses not only on gaining knowledge but also on finding concrete solutions to problems in cooperation with companies and nonprofit organizations. The new Tyrolean science funding supports this and will be the key to growth, prosperity and employment."

Program tracks of the Tyrolean science funding 2023-2027:

  • Junior research projects: up to 100,000 euros per project, up to 100 percent funding for scientific projects
  • Congresses / Conferences / Symposia / Lecturers: up to 10,000 euros per event for scientific networking
  • Industry-related dissertations: up to 10 dissertation positions per year at Tyrolean universities at the interface between science and industry
  • Matching Funds: Co-financing of research projects positively reviewed by the Austrian Research Fund FWF, which cannot be funded by the FWF due to the budgetary situation (in accordance with the National Foundation); a total of up to 1,000,000 euros

"On behalf of the MCI and our stakeholders, I can only congratulate all members of the state government and additional contributors to the new science funding. All eight Tyrolean universities will benefit greatly from this. I would like to express my gratitude not only to Governor Anton Mattle and Deputy Governor Georg Dornauer, but also to Tyrolean Science Minister Cornelia Hagele and her colleagues from neighboring ministries," stresses Rector Andreas Altmann.

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 Patricia Pichler, BA | Marketing Manager Marketing & Communications
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