MCI among Austria's best employers

Date 2023-04-03

trend magazine's ranking 2023 lists MCI among Austria's best 300 employers | Top in category "25 best newcomers" | Strong recommendation crucial

MCI employees at work in Innsbruck
MCI offers its employees room for growth and opportunities for personal development. © MCI / Anna Geisler

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is among the best employers in Austria in trend magazine's ranking 2023, published in cooperation with the European employer rating platform kununu and the market research company Statista. Additionally, MCI ranks among the "25 best newcomers".

More than 1,400 Austrian employers with the minimum requirement of 200 employees were included in the survey and categorized according their industries. More than 200,000 ratings contributed to the ranking, based on an anonymous online survey of employees, trend readers and members of kununu and Xing. In addition, ratings on kununu and the previous year's ranking were also taken into account. However, the greatest influence on the overall result was the employees' willingness to recommend their employer.

Brigitte Auer, Head of MCI Recruiting & HR, is happy about the result, "Our teaching, research, management and administrative employees give their best every day and are significantly responsible for the success of the Entrepreneurial Schoo. We are extremely happy to see that they appreciate the environment and the opportunities we offer them. It is our mission to give our employees room for creativity and perspectives, to offer them opportunities for further development, to accompany and support them, and to create an open, trusting and team-oriented working environment."


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 Patricia Pichler, BA | Marketing Manager Marketing & Communications
Patricia Pichler, BAMarketing Manager
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