Top ratings for MCI in CHE University Comparison 2023

Date 2023-05-11

136 top rankings! MCI study programs outstanding in terms of study organization, support by lecturers, practical relevance, digital learning environment and internationalization

Students appreciate the high quality of the MCI, which is reflected in top results of ongoing surveys and rankings. ©MCI / Anna Geisler
Students appreciate the high quality of the MCI, which is reflected in top results of ongoing surveys and rankings. ©MCI / Anna Geisler

The recently published Comparison of Universities 2023 by the international Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) once again delivers excellent results for the MCI. With its high-quality study programs, the Entrepreneurial School® achieved 136 top rankings.

The subject of the CHE University Comparison 2023 were Bachelor's degree programs in the field of Business & Social Sciences as well as Industrial Engineering, thus for the MCI the following Bachelor's degree programs:

  • Business Administration Online
  • Management, Communication & IT
  • Management & Law
  • Nonprofit, Social & Health Management
  • Social Work
  • Entrepreneurship, Tourism & Leisure Business
  • Business & Management
  • Industrial Engineering

Without exception, students awarded top ratings for all degree programs, with excellent 4 and 5-star ratings (with a maximum of 5 stars to be awarded as the top grade!). In the comprehensive student evaluation, the MCI is above average for all participating universities in almost all indicators.

Above all, the evaluating students appreciated the study organization, the support provided by the lecturers, the practical relevance, the introduction to scientific work, the digital learning environment, the support during studies and the preparation for studying abroad.

Based on facts about the studies, there were also top marks for the contacts with professional practice as well as the career orientation, the reliable duration of studies in the scheduled time and the comprehensive support at the beginning of the studies.

Brigitte Auer, Quality Manager at MCI, is delighted with the repeated excellent results, "Since its foundation, the Entrepreneurial School® has stood for the highest quality and continuous development - the excellent ratings of our future-oriented study programs prove this once again."

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann adds, "International quality reviews and rankings provide important information for students, stakeholders and potential employers. I am very pleased that the quality of the MCI has once again been impressively confirmed."

Cornelia Hagele, Regional Minister for Science, also congratulates the MCI on this outstanding result, "Once again, I congratulate the MCI on this outstanding performance and excellent quality of the study programs. We can be proud of our research institutions in Tyrol, whose commitment further strengthens the science location."


CHE University Ranking

The CHE University Ranking is the most comprehensive university ranking in the German-speaking world. It is aimed primarily at first-year students and students as a decision-making aid, but is also of increasing interest to business and society. The ranking takes into account the different perspectives of students, university management and graduates, and allows a meaningful comparison between the universities.

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