MCI expands global network: New partnerships with international top universities

Date 2023-08-10

Collaborations in Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Israel | Contract extension with IIM Bangalore

Tel Aviv University © MCI / Daniel D'Assisi
Tel Aviv University © MCI / Daniel D'Assisi

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® proudly announces further partnership agreements with top international universities: With universities in Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Israel, MCI expands its already extensive range of international options at over 300 partner universities to include further attractive locations. 

The new MCI partner universities also enjoy a prestigious international reputation:

  • Tel Aviv University is the largest university in Israel, is listed among the "Top 200 Universities" worldwide in relevant rankings and will collaborate with MCI in the areas of student and faculty exchange as well as cooperative research projects.
  • The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, located in the university city of Uppsala, will serve as a strong research partner with innovative study programs, especially in the field of life sciences.
  • The renowned Andrássy University in Budapest is the only entirely German-speaking university outside the German-speaking region. Together with MCI, it builds a common bridge for researchers, faculty and students from the Tyrolean Alps to the Hungarian steppes.
  • The University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw expands MCI's strong lineup of quality partner universities in Poland with exciting options for semesters abroad, research stays and other activities.

At the same time, MCI and numerous partner universities have extended their existing agreements, including the world-renowned Indian Institute of Management Bangalore until 2029. IIM Bangalore has been cooperating with MCI since 2007 and enjoys constant popularity among MCI students, especially due to its location in the vibrant metropolis and its strong networking with global companies.

"MCI aims to enable more than 50 percent of its students to pursue high-quality studies abroad. However, in order to fully discover and experience the host country, it is beneficial to keep the size of the group of Austrian students at the partner university manageable. Usually, only a few students visit each destination. Therefore, it is essential to offer a comprehensive, varied and diverse range of quality partner universities," explains Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of International Relations at MCI.


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 Patricia Pichler, BA | Marketing Manager Marketing & Communications
Patricia Pichler, BAMarketing Manager
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