Three MCI graduates receive state award

Date 2023-11-29

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research honors outstanding master’s graduates Mateus Enzenberg, Sandro Hiller und Lara Simoner

<p style=MCI graduates Sandro Hiller (2nd from left), Lara Simoner (3rd from left) and Mateus Enzenberg (4th from left) are honored with award from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer


MCI graduates Sandro Hiller (2nd from left), Lara Simoner (3rd from left) and Mateus Enzenberg (4th from left) are honored with award from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Mateus Enzenberg receives the award from Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer


Mateus Enzenberg receives the award from Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Sandro Hiller at the award ceremony with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer


Sandro Hiller at the award ceremony with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Lara Simoner is presented the award by Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer


Lara Simoner is presented the award by Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=MCI graduates Sandro Hiller (2nd from left), Lara Simoner (3rd from left) and Mateus Enzenberg (4th from left) are honored with award from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Mateus Enzenberg receives the award from Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Sandro Hiller at the award ceremony with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer

<p style=Lara Simoner is presented the award by Federal Minister Martin Polaschek. ©BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/Gabor Mayerhofer


Three master's graduates of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® have been awarded this year's state award of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Mateus Enzenberg, Sandro Hiller and Lara Simoner were honored by Federal Minister Martin Polaschek for their outstanding academic achievements and master's theses at the award ceremony in Vienna .

Mateus Enzenberg, MCI graduate of the Medical Technologies master's program, developed a portable and adaptive hand exoskeleton that assists in rehabilitating hands and fingers as part of his master's thesis. Sandro Hiller, MCI graduate in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, explored the removal of micropollutants from municipal wastewater. Lara Simoner, MCI graduate of the master's program in Corporate Governance & Finance, investigated how climate transition risks affect portfolio default rates of Austrian banks.

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Award 2023

Every year, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research honors the best 55 diploma and master's degrees from a total of around 16,000 degrees at all Austrian universities and colleges. This year, 15 prizes were awarded nationwide in the higher education sector.


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 Patricia Pichler, BA | Marketing Manager Marketing & Communications
Patricia Pichler, BAMarketing Manager
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