Top Results for MCI in the CHE Master's Ranking 2023

Date 2024-01-04

Students give top scores to master's programs at the Entrepreneurial School® | 40 out of 40 ratings in the top range

The recently published Master's Ranking by the CHE Centre for Higher Education presents excellent results for the Entrepreneurial School®. In the student survey, the MCI received 40 ratings (out of 40) in the top range and scores 18 times above the average compared to all participating universities.

This year's assessment focused on business-oriented degree programs. The following MCI master's programs took part in the ranking and received top ratings:

  • International Business & Management (4,3 / 5,0)

  • International Business & Law (4,1 / 5,0)

  • Entrepreneurship & Tourism (4,3 / 5,0)

  • Industrial Engineering & Management (4,4 / 5,0)

The overall scores, presented on a 5-star scale, are determined by several assessments of different categories and individual indicators. In addition to the general study environment, students assessed factors such as digital teaching, research orientation and support for stays abroad. The MCI received particularly high ratings for its strong practical orientation in teaching, the smooth organization of studies and the close support provided by faculty.

Brigitte Auer, Quality Manager at MCI, states, "We are constantly working on further developing our degree programs, processes, and competencies. The feedback from rankings and student surveys is a key factor in this. We are proud that our quality efforts have continued to be confirmed in this year's CHE Master's Ranking."

The MCI receives top ratings in the CHE Master's ranking. ©MCI/Ainedter
Students give top ratings for the strong practical orientation in teaching and the smooth organization of studies at MCI. ©MCI / Anna Geisler
<p>The MCI receives top ratings in the CHE Master's ranking. ©MCI/Ainedter</p>

The MCI receives top ratings in the CHE Master's ranking. ©MCI/Ainedter

<p>The MCI receives top ratings in the CHE Master's ranking. ©MCI/Ainedter</p>
Patricia Pichler
Patricia Pichler, BA Marketing Manager

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