MCI receives 71 new first-year study places | 16 of which in Lienz

Date 2024-07-12

Focus on technology, digitalization, economy & social issues | Successful submission to the Ministry of Science's call for proposals | Additional opportunities for students, companies, and locatio

Good news at MCI: The Austrian Ministry of Science recently announced its decision on the allocation of the 800 federally funded study places with effect from fall 2025.

With 71 additional study places for 2025, the Entrepreneurial School® is delighted with a particularly positive result. 16 of the 71 study places are planned for the campus in Lienz with subsequent continuation of studies in Innsbruck and the final semester back in Lienz. A high proportion of the study places are allocated to part-time degree programs. 21 universities were eligible to apply, which statistically would have meant around 35 to 40 study places for each university.

The study places allocated to MCI from fall 2025 are distributed across the following study programs:

  • Biotechnology

  • Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering

  • Mechatronics, Design & Innovation

  • Industrial Engineering & Management

  • Medical, Health & Sports Engineering

  • Digital Business & Software Engineering

  • Social Work

  • International Business & Management

At full capacity, 180 additional students will be attending MCI, bringing the total number of federally funded study places at MCI to 3,450.

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: "We are currently unable to offer many highly qualified and committed young people a place on the job market in disciplines that are in high demand. This is not only unfortunate, but also a considerable loss for our science, technology, and business location. With the additional study places, we can alleviate the pressure of demand to some extent."

Science Councilor Cornelia Hagele: "We see the MCI's successful performance as a sign of confidence and recognition of the high academic quality, internationality, and performance of the 'Entrepreneurial School' and would like to thank the Ministry of Science for their trust."

Chairman of the Supervisory Board Oswald Wolkenstein: "With the MCI, Tyrol has an institution of higher education that is internationally admired. The demand from students for a place to study and from companies for MCI alumni is particularly high in these disciplines. We therefore very much welcome the additional study places and hope for more places next year."

Michaela Hysek-Unterweger, Chairwoman of the Chamber of Commerce in East Tyrol: "Since the state of Tyrol commissioned the MCI to establish study opportunities in Lienz, we've felt a jolt of positive energy in our district. With the allocation of 16 study places for Lienz, the first steps have been taken and a basis has been created, enabling us to offer young people in East Tyrol prospects from fall 2025. The regional economy is also looking forward to the new opportunities for cooperation."

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann ©MCI / Anna Geisler
Tyrolean State Councillor for Education, Science, and Research © Land Tirol / Die Fotografen
Oswald Wolkenstein, Chairman of the MCI Supervisory Board ©WK Tirol
Michaela Hysek-Unterweger, Chairwoman of the Chamber of Commerce in East Tyrol © Martin Lugger
Students at the MCI Campus Technology & Life Sciences ©MCI / Anna Geisler
Students at the MCI Campus in Innsbruck ©MCI / Anna Geisler
Students at the MCI Campus Technology & Life Sciences ©MCI / Aaron Heimerl
MCI Campus Innsbruck ©MCI / Marc Scherr
Technology studies at the Campus Lienz will start in fall 2025 © Land Tirol / Florian Lechner
<p>Students at the MCI Campus Technology & Life Sciences ©MCI / Anna Geisler</p>

Students at the MCI Campus Technology & Life Sciences ©MCI / Anna Geisler

<p>Students at the MCI Campus Technology & Life Sciences ©MCI / Anna Geisler</p>
Patricia Pichler
Patricia Pichler, BA Marketing Manager

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