Due to the increasing digitalization of businesses and economy, IT security is becoming more and more important. IT security is no longer merely about protecting sensitive infrastructures, but also many other aspects, such as confidential company information, customer data and “intellectual property”, which is almost exclusively available in digital form. Nowadays, almost every company needs an internet connection or presence.

However, a look at practice shows that many businesses do not protect their data properly, or are unaware of any risks and the consequences of data protection. Often, there is a lack of basic knowledge about the possibilities of technical protection and its legal requirements. IT security is no longer just a "burden", but even represents an advantage over the competition.

In order to acquire a holistic and practice-oriented understanding of IT security for businesses from a legal and technical perspective, this certificate course examines selected core topics of IT security and data protection from this exact point of view. Participants of this certificate course will develop awareness of security issues and potential dangers in their own businesses and learn practice-proven ways to prevent or at least minimize such risks.

The main objective of this certificate course is the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge between law & technology of IT security specifically tailored to the needs of companies, while focusing on theory and practice of IT security, data protection and IT governance.

Upon completion of the program, you will
  • have a basic understanding of the concepts and terms of IT security;

  • have a basic understanding of the concepts and terms of IT corporate governance;

  • have a basic legal understanding of theoretical and practical concepts of IT security and data protection;

  • have a basic technical understanding of theoretical and practical concepts of IT security and data protection;

  • have gained extensive practical insights from the above-mentioned areas;

  • know how to implement IT security in your company.

This part-time certificate course is a unique opportunity for
  • managers, junior managers and other decision-makers who already work in the sector of IT security and data protection.

  • decision-makers from other areas of responsibility who want to expand their training with professional knowledge in the areas of IT security and data protection, as well as their legal and technical foundations.

  • University graduates who want to supplement their education with competent IT security expertise.

  • employees from small and medium-sized enterprises who feel inadequately prepared for the challenges of IT security and data protection.

  • people with qualified tasks in the areas of IT security, IT governance, corporate law, data protection, etc.

  • anyone who would like to update and expand their knowledge in the area of data and information security.

Your way to success

Find out all the details you need to make your decision here:

What awaits you?

The Certificate program is a part-time course of study based on a didactic concept tailored to the needs of professional decision makers.

The content of the course is divided into ten modules introducing a holistic approach to modern management control. The aim is to improve the performance and financial position of the participants’ enterprises. The course also places a special focus on professional and methodological competencies.

The program includes 16 on-campus sessions held on Fridays and Saturdays. Please also plan extra time for five projects, to be completed as part of selected modules and your final paper.

Who awaits you?

The lecturers are proven experts in the field of leadership with excellent academic qualifications and international experience. The latest findings from science and research are discussed and reflected upon using practical examples.

Scientific Management

Dr. Lukas Staffler, PhD
MCI Senior Lecturer and Head of LL.M. Digital Business & Tech Law, Research Fellow at the University of Zurich / Switzerland, Member (Prof. Avv.) of the RAK Bozen / Italy

Assoz.FH-Prof. Dr. Pascal Schöttle
Associate FH-Prof. - MCI Department Digital Business & Software Engineering, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Faculty (excerpt)

Thomas Dilger, MA, BA
MCI Senior Lecturer - Department Management, Communication & IT, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Georg Göbel
Deputy Managing Director - Department of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Health Economics at the Medical University of Innsbruck / Tyrol

Dr. Marcus Hofer
Managing Director Location Agency Tyrol, Innsbruck / Tyrol

FH Lector Ing. Thomas Mann, CISA CMC SPcM
Chief Information Security Officer, Group BCM Officer, Kapsch BusinessCom AG, Vienna

FH-Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder
MCI Lector Department Management, Communication & IT, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Andreas Pankow
Managing Director DGC Switzerland AG, Zurich / Switzerland

Mag. Andrea Pegger, attorney-at-law, BSc
Lawyer with Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol

MMMag. Barbara Egger-Russe
Lawyer with Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Dr. Theo Wilhelm
Senior eHealth Expert Post CH Communications Ltd, Bern / Switzerland

Recognition of credits

The MCI certificate programs have been designed to meet the highest international quality standards. They are continuously assessed by internal and external bodies.

All business-related MCI study programs have been accredited by the renowned Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Green Transition & ESG-Management
Green Transition & ESG-Management
Sustainability as a holistic transformation process and integrative approach
Strategic Foresight Management
Strategic Foresight Management
Develop and communicate sustainable strategies
Family Business
Family Business
Führung, Dynamik und Sicherung von Familienunternehmen