The lecturers are proven experts in the field of leadership with excellent academic qualifications and international experience. The latest findings from science and research are discussed and reflected upon using practical examples.
Scientific Management
Dr. Lukas Staffler, PhD
MCI Senior Lecturer and Head of LL.M. Digital Business & Tech Law, Research Fellow at the University of Zurich / Switzerland, Member (Prof. Avv.) of the RAK Bozen / Italy
Assoz.FH-Prof. Dr. Pascal Schöttle
Associate FH-Prof. - MCI Department Digital Business & Software Engineering, Innsbruck / Tyrol
Faculty (excerpt)
Thomas Dilger, MA, BA
MCI Senior Lecturer - Department Management, Communication & IT, Innsbruck / Tyrol
Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Georg Göbel
Deputy Managing Director - Department of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Health Economics at the Medical University of Innsbruck / Tyrol
Dr. Marcus Hofer
Managing Director Location Agency Tyrol, Innsbruck / Tyrol
FH Lector Ing. Thomas Mann, CISA CMC SPcM
Chief Information Security Officer, Group BCM Officer, Kapsch BusinessCom AG, Vienna
FH-Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder
MCI Lector Department Management, Communication & IT, Innsbruck / Tyrol
Andreas Pankow
Managing Director DGC Switzerland AG, Zurich / Switzerland
Mag. Andrea Pegger, attorney-at-law, BSc
Lawyer with Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol
MMMag. Barbara Egger-Russe
Lawyer with Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol
Dr. Theo Wilhelm
Senior eHealth Expert Post CH Communications Ltd, Bern / Switzerland