Opportunities, Potential and Possible Career Paths

Date 2019-07-02

"Love it, leave it or change it", "Be authentic" or "Clear values and achievable goals": the strong messages as the result of the MCI symposium "Leadership in the Nonprofit, Social and Healthcare Sector”.

The recently hosted symposium at the Entrepreneurial School® by the MCI department Nonprofit, Social- and Healthcare Management was a great opportunity for students to meet numerous graduates, to hear about their exciting career paths and to learn from their experiences.

HM Lord Lieutenant Helen Nellis, health management expert and Queen's representative in her home region of Bedfordshire, and entrepreneur Sylvanus Vortia, Chief Executive of Axon Information Systems, introduced the symposium with their thoughts and experiences on leadership and change, and led us through the entire event.

The topics ranged from the management of nursing homes, refugee coordination, and foundation of start-ups to finance in non-profit organizations, among many others - all areas in which the graduates are currently active. In expert talks, interviews and breakout sessions, the participants were able to engage with them, exchange thoughts and ideas and network even more during the breaks.

We would like to thank everyone who took part and made these three days something very special!

Eric Bayala, Research fellow, University of Innsbruck and advisor, Centre for Migrants in Tyrol

Daria Dachs, Head of Study Program Early Life Care, Paracelsus Medical University

Tabea Ebel, Assistant to the CEO and project leader, Lebenshilfe Tirol

Joachim Fuchs, Co-owner and general manager, FOX CLUB

Nicole Fürhapter, Team Leader Finance & Controlling Member Associations EUNA, SOS Children’s Villages International – currently on maternity leave

Christian Glarcher, Care Home Manager, Hopfgarten im Brixental

Maria Graf, Head of Management, Austrian Doctors

Katrin Hansinger, HR Development Specialist, Veoneer Germany GmbH

Luzia Hawthorne, Project Assistant, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Sonja Karbon, Project manager, women profession centre and self-employed, DIEBERATERINNEN

Katharina Mayer, CEO and founder, Kuchentratsch UG

Bernadette Mir, currently on educational leave

Helen Nellis, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and Director JG & HG Nellis Consultants Ltd.

Sylvanus Vortia, Chief Executive, Axon Information Systems

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