Online Symposium "The Future of Work in Nonprofit, Social and Health Care Management"

Date 2021-03-08

Digital Symposium for students of Nonprofit-, Social and Health Management was a great success!

To start the fourth semester, students of the Bachelor's program in Nonprofit, Social and Health Care Management were able to attend a two-and-a-half-day virtual symposium and thus experience a successful "kick-off" to their project semester. Several master's students, graduates, and friends and practice partners of the department from various parts of the world also attended the event.

At the beginning of the symposium, Mag.a Gabriele Adelsberger, MSc inspired the students with a keynote speech on "New Work - an incitement to think differently". This was followed by lectures, interviews and discussions with graduates of the program.

In relation to the core theme of the event - the future of work - the speakers emphasized the increased importance of work-life balance and the relevance of a "stable anchor" in a changing world. Frequently mentioned buzzwords when discussing work models of the future were agility and digitalization.

The symposium provided the students with insights into practice and showed them perspectives and professional development opportunities.

 "What a week! The symposium was immensely fun. The many impressions and insights into the work of alumni were very inspiring but above all motivating, for the upcoming, uncertain future." (Student BA NSGM)

"Learning how graduates have shaped their further educational and career paths with the foundations of our Bachelor's program shows me the diverse possibilities for my own professional career. This gives security, motivates and inspires." (BA NSGM student)

"I never thought the symposium could be so diverse and close to reality despite the online format." (Student BA NSGM)


Presenters and titles (German):


  • Gabriele Adelsberger, DieBeraterinnen: Keynote „New Work - eine Anstiftung zum Anders denken“
  • Anna Hettegger, Social Media Managerin, Bloggerin, NSGM 2012: „Digitale Nomaden als Zukunft der Arbeitswelt?“

Themenbereich „Nonprofit“

  • Raffael Heiss, Forscher und Lektor, CSHI, MCI: Einführung in den Themenbereich „Nonprofit“
  • Manuel Kern, Projektassistent / Assistent der Leitung, NPO & SE Kompetenzzentrum WU Wien, NSGM 2015: „Sinn stiften und Mehrwert schaffen - Chancen und Möglichkeiten des Nonprofitsektors“
  • Manuel Lackmeier, Regional Programme Manager for East Africa, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, NSGM 2009: „Trends in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“
  • Melanie Hirtenlehner, Key Account Managerin, Direct Mind, NSGM 2006: „Contenance bewahren – Fundraising in Krisenzeiten!“
  • Charanya Raman, Sales manager, AMEX, IHSM 2013: “COVID-19 - Working alongside the UN and NGO’s while battling our own crisis – experiences and lessons learnt”

Themenbereich „Gesundheit“

  • Jolanda Baur, Department & Studiengänge NSGM, IHSM & EuHEM, MCI: Einführung in den Themenbereich „Gesundheit“
  • Elke Jung, Leitung Med. Office, Lanserhof, Gründerin Beltys, NSGM 2013: „Veränderung bedeutet Chance“
  • Manuel Zumkeller, IT Business Partner for global HR, Roche, NSGM 2008: "Agiles Arbeiten in einem globalen Unternehmen: Tribes, Chapters, Squads und co."
  • Daniela Fellner, Medizinisches Projektmanagement, Organisationsentwicklung, Tirol Kliniken, NSGM 2006: „Neue Wege zwischen Spannungen & Tabubrüchen“

Themenbereich „Soziales“

  • Margit Schäfer, Lektorin, MCI und weitere Fachhochschulen: Einführung in den Themenbereich „Soziales“
  • Tabea Ebel, Stabstelle Kultur und Identität, Lebenshilfe Tirol, NSGM 2010: „Der sichere Anker – Chancen nutzen im BGM. Ein Praxisbeispiel der Lebenshilfe Tirol“
  • Romina Holzmann-Schöpf, Projektleiterin und -managerin "Erste Hilfe für die Seele", interimistische Generalsekretärin, pro mente Austria, NSGM 2005: „Chancen und Grenzen der Digitalisierung in der Projektentwicklung am Beispiel des Projektes "Erste Hilfe für die Seele"
  • Christian Glarcher, Heimleitung Sozialzentrum s*elsbethen, Marktgemeinde Hopfgarten im Brixental und Geschäftsführer des Sozial- und Gesundheitssprengels Hopfgarten/Itter, NSGM 2009: „Sicherheit bieten in unsicheren Zeiten - Herausforderungen im ambulanten und stationären Pflegesetting im Sturm der COVID19-Pandemie“


<p>Students in the knowledge quiz with MCI-graduate Joachim Fuchs, FOX CLUB. © MCI</p>

Students in the knowledge quiz with MCI-graduate Joachim Fuchs, FOX CLUB. © MCI

<p>Gabriele Adelsberger, DieBeraterinnen, gave insights into the topic ">

Gabriele Adelsberger, DieBeraterinnen, gave insights into the topic "New-Work". © MCI

<p>Anna Hettegger, Social Media Manager & Blogger, posed the question of whether ">

Anna Hettegger, Social Media Manager & Blogger, posed the question of whether "digital nomads" are the future. © MCI

<p>Daniela Fellner, Tirol Kliniken, with her presentation on the topic ">

Daniela Fellner, Tirol Kliniken, with her presentation on the topic "New ways between tensions & breaking taboos". © MCI

<p>Students in the knowledge quiz with MCI-graduate Joachim Fuchs, FOX CLUB. © MCI</p>
<p>Gabriele Adelsberger, DieBeraterinnen, gave insights into the topic ">
<p>Anna Hettegger, Social Media Manager & Blogger, posed the question of whether ">
<p>Daniela Fellner, Tirol Kliniken, with her presentation on the topic ">
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