Health Promotion and Health Literacy Initiatives in Tyrol

Date 2021-04-06

State-of-the-art concepts for healthier communities by 2030, in line with World Health Day 2021 goals

April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. Since 1950, the celebration has aimed to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization.

In line with the agenda and the motto “Building a fairer, healthier world“ of the UN World Health Day 2021, the department of Nonprofit, Social and Health Care Management and the Center for Social and Health Innovation at MCI - The Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck organized an international focus group composed of seasoned experts in health policy and community-engaging initiatives to discuss and propose state-of-the-art concepts of health promotion and health literacy in Tyrol. Several notable experiences from different European and international communities were addressed with a specific focus on the applicability and feasibility with regard to the current and future needs of Tyrol.

“Our efforts in these vital areas will keep going in collaboration with our local community, policymakers, our researchers, and our MCI international network to contribute to healthier communities in Tyrol by 2030”, says Lukas Kerschbaumer, Lecturer and Researcher at our Research Center for Social & Health Innovation at MCI.

Members of the focus group:

  • Siegfried Walch, Head of Department & Studies Nonprofit, Social and Health Care Management, MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®
  • Ayman Fouda, Teaching & Research Assistant at the Department & Studies Nonprofit, Social and Health Care Management, MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®
  • Lukas Kerschbaumer, Lecturer and Researcher at the Center for Social & Health Innovation, MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®
  • Petra Luttinger, Projektmitarbeiteirn at the Center for Social & Health Innovation, MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®
  • Petra Stöckl, Cluster Life Sciences Tirol, Standortagentur Tirol GmbH
  • Ayman Sabae, CEO Shamseya, Obama Foundation Fellow, and an expert in community-based initiatives   
  • Kristine Sørensen, Director, Global Health Literacy Academy
  • Viktoria Stein, Head of the International Foundation for Integrated Care
  • Usman Khan, Managing Director Modus Europe, and Former Executive Director, European Patients' Forum
<p>The international focus group discussing modern concepts of health promotion and health literacy for Tyrol. © MCI</p>

The international focus group discussing modern concepts of health promotion and health literacy for Tyrol. © MCI

<p>The international focus group discussing modern concepts of health promotion and health literacy for Tyrol. © MCI</p>
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