Completion of NSGM Community Projects 2021

Date 2021-07-06

Problem-and-project-based-learning semester comes to an end | Projects and specializations

What motivates young people to get involved in an organization or association? Which kind of parents would like the offer of a forest kindergarten in Innsbruck? What effects on health did nursing staff in hospitals experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and how can workplace health promotion respond to this? How can the logistics of Team Austria Tafeln be better organized in the long term?

The students in the bachelor's degree program in Nonprofit, Social and Health Management investigated these and similar questions in the past semester and presented their research and project results to their partners last week.

Within the framework of three specializations (nonprofit, social or health management), the students worked in small groups of six courses on twelve practical projects, the so-called "NSHM Community Projects", which follow the latest state of scientific discussion. Dr. Siegfried Walch, head of the department “Nonprofit-, Social- and Health Care Management” explains: "We follow the approach of "problem- and project-based learning", in which students acquire knowledge and experience through real-world challenges and active participation, which also has a long-term and sustainable learning effect.

Students receive quality guidance and direction from instructors in the design, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of their research. Assignments on qualitative and quantitative research, the use of innovation management methods, and the development of a (social) business plan are cornerstones of the semester.

The basic feedback of the partners is: "The students work with great commitment on the tasks and make an important contribution. The research results and fields of action derived from them are helpful for the further work of the organizations." (Lecturer and project partner for the Red Cross Tyrol Dr. Margit Schäfer).


NSGM Community Projects 2021 – Project partners and topics in brief

  • Youth engagement in ÖGB Tirol: New ways of communication and participation
  • The Village Project in schools: Exploring educational interventions to support families dealing with mental health challenges.
  • EKIZ Innsbruck: Organizational concept for a kindergarden in nature, creation of a business plan with focus on market, marketing and plan calculation
  • Austrian Doctors: Giving Tuesday - international day of giving and donating - expansion of the concept of the existing fundraising campaign
  • Sindbad: Social Business - concept development of social media presence
  • Social Innovation Academy - Reform Africa - upcycled backpacks from Uganda, development of new markets
  • Landesverband/Rotes Kreuz Tirol - Team Österreich Tafeln - fighting poverty through food donations: Optimization of logistics and organization
  • Caritas Tirol Space Plus: Offers for NEET-youth (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
  • ARGE GEMNOVA, Avomed, Verein Sicheres Tirol - Healthy Community Tyrol: standardization processes around the initiative
  • Vasyly Rohovyy and Selbsthilfe Tirol: Design of an online self-help platform on the topic of VCA patients
  • ÖGK Diabetes Prevention - Quality of Care and Disease Management in Tyrol
  • ÖGK Workplace Health Promotion - Current Challenges


Detailed information on the projects and outcomes can be found here.

<p>Final presentation of the research results of the ">

Final presentation of the research results of the "Caritas Tirol Space Plus" project, Photo: MCI

<p>Final presentation of the research results of the ">

Final presentation of the research results of the "Rotes Kreuz Tirol - Team Österreich Tafeln" project, Photo: MCI

<p>Lecturers attending the final presentation of the project results, Photo: MCI</p>

Lecturers attending the final presentation of the project results, Photo: MCI

<p>Final presentation of the research results of the ">
<p>Final presentation of the research results of the ">
<p>Lecturers attending the final presentation of the project results, Photo: MCI</p>
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