AACSB Influential Leader Award goes to MCI graduate Etienne Salborn

Date 2021-07-13

Virtual award handover by MCI Rector Andreas Altmann

MCI alumnus Etienne Salborn is one of 25 business school graduates honored by AACSB International (AACSB) - the world's largest management education alliance - as the 2021 Class of Influential Leaders. Salborn completed MCI’s bachelor’s degree in Nonprofit, Social and Healthcare Management in 2010. The strong international focus of the program allowed Salborn to spend an exchange semester in Argentina, take on an internship in London, and write his bachelor’s thesis in Uganda.

His studies paved the way for the later founding of the Social Innovation Academy (SINA). SINA is tackling missing education and resulting unemployment in Africa through creating self-organized and freesponsible learning spaces, where disadvantaged youth unfold their potential for positive change as social entrepreneurs.

“I am grateful to the entire MCI team, all the lecturers and staff who have kept in touch with me over the years and still make me feel at home in Innsbruck and especially at the MCI,” says the award winner at the handover ceremony, which recently took place virtually:

<p>MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and AACSB Infulential Leader Etienne Salborn at the virtual award presentation. Photo: MCI</p>

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and AACSB Infulential Leader Etienne Salborn at the virtual award presentation. Photo: MCI

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