Excursion to the NEUE HEIMAT TIROL

Date 2022-03-25

A new city quarter at the Campagne Areal in Innsbruck

Alongside work, education, leisure and culture, housing is one of the core aspects of human life. Neue Heimat Tirol (NHT) is a leading non-profit property developer and property manager in Tyrol. It is owned half by the state of Tyrol and half by the city of Innsbruck, and aims to provide affordable owner-occupied and rental housing as well as optimized management costs. In the summer semester, the NHT is cooperating with the MCI as part of a student project in the Nonprofit, Social and Health Management bachelor program.

The NHT is currently building a residential complex at the Campagne Areal in Innsbruck creating 118 rental apartments and other facilities, including a daycare center and a city quarter office. For the future residents of the Campagne Areal, there is a move-in assistance program managed by the city of Innsbruck. In the course of the MCI project, Neue Heimat Tirol wants to gain insight into which topics are particularly important for future residents. Living comfort, integration in housing, neighborhood in change, and being at home in the community are possible subjects among other things.

In line with the project's tasks, two excursions were carried out at the beginning of March. During a walk through the "Pradler Saggen" neighborhood, buildings from different eras - from the 1940s to the 2010s - were viewed inside and out. Neue Heimat Tirol places great value on high building standards and encourages art construction as well.

In the following week, project commissioner Ms. Gerda Embacher, Quality Management Staff Office, welcomed the group of students to the Neue Heimat office building and presented the business areas and activities of Neue Heimat in detail, from construction projects to renovation and property management. In the course of the excursions, topics, such as housing affordability, building equipment and standards, management as well as coexistence and neighborhood were discussed. The student group will present their research at the end of June.

<p>Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL, presents current building projects to the students. Photo: MCI</p>

Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL, presents current building projects to the students. Photo: MCI

<p>Students of the project group with Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI</p>

Students of the project group with Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI

<p>The students of the Non Profit Management major on the excursion to the NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI</p>

The students of the Non Profit Management major on the excursion to the NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI

<p>Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL, presents current building projects to the students. Photo: MCI</p>
<p>Students of the project group with Gerda Embacher, Quality Management NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI</p>
<p>The students of the Non Profit Management major on the excursion to the NEUE HEIMAT TIROL. Photo: MCI</p>
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