Geneva Health Forum 2022

Date 2022-05-24

A successful study trip: MCI students met experts and key actors of global health in Geneva

The Geneva Health Forum brings together experts and international stakeholders in the field of Global Health. The Forum provides a platform for international collaboration and every two years it organizes one of the biggest conferences in Global Health. The aim is to develop common solutions to global health challenges.

This year, students from the two Master programs “International Health & Social Management” and “European Health Economics & Management” travelled to Geneva to actively participate in the Geneva Health Forum 2022, to expand their network and to exchange ideas with experts.

On 6 May, the students also visited the Global Health Campus and had an exchange with representatives of the WHO and the Austrian Permanent Mission of the United Nations in Geneva.

Michaela Told, Co-founder of HumanImpact5 and Senior Guest Lecturer at the MCI initiated the participation and organized the site visits. We also thank the ÖH MCI and the company MED-EL for supporting this study trip.

All students were extremely enthusiastic about participating in the Geneva Health Forum 2022. They had the chance to actively share and develop their ideas in different workshops and to meet with important stakeholders in Global Health.

“I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in this year’s Geneva Health Forum together with some brilliant people! I had an amazing time chatting and exchanging thoughts with people passionate about healthcare and motivated to make a change.The future of public health looks promising!“ Daiana, Master student International Health and Social Management.

<p>Master students at the Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>

Master students at the Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM

<p>Workshop beim Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>

Workshop beim Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM

<p>Geneva Health Forum 2022. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>

Geneva Health Forum 2022. Photo: Eu-HEM

<p>Master students at the Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>
<p>Workshop beim Geneva Health Forum. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>
<p>Geneva Health Forum 2022. Photo: Eu-HEM</p>
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