Summer school in Nice: A systemic approach to the promotion of healthy lifestyles

Date 2023-08-03

MCI professor Siegfried Walch participates in summer school on healthy ageing and systems thinking

Professor Siegfried Walch, MCI representative at the European University Ulysseus, participated in a remarkable summer academy on the topic of "A systemic approach to promoting healthy lifestyles for healthy aging." The event took place in July 2023 in Nice, France, and was organized in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Regional Office for Europe, the European University Ulysseus, and the Université Côte d'Azur (UCA).

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, a member of the European University Ulysseus, is working in conjunction with partners at UCA in Nice to establish an innovation hub for healthy aging and well-being. The summer academy focused on the theme "#beatNCDs with #systemsthinking," addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the WHO European region, which account for a significant portion of deaths and disabilities. With Europe's aging population projected to increase by up to 25% by 2050, promoting healthy aging has become an urgent goal.

The WHO and United Nations' program for the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030) emphasizes the importance of a lifelong approach to healthy aging, beginning early in life. The three-day summer academy brought together outstanding participants from various institutions and organizations worldwide.

Professor Walch delivered an inspiring presentation on the significance of combining systems thinking and lateral thinking. He stressed the need to consider stakeholders' interests, make clear decisions, and communicate effectively. The event fostered exchange and collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and experts in the field of healthy aging and systems thinking.

Professor Walch's active involvement strengthens MCI's commitment to promoting research and innovation in social and health management and supports the goal of contributing to a healthier and age-friendly society.

<p>Participants of the summer school on ">

Participants of the summer school on "A systemic approach to promoting healthy lifestyles for healthy ageing across the life course © UCA

<p>Beach promenade in Nice; Photo: MCI</p>

Beach promenade in Nice; Photo: MCI

<p>Participants of the summer school on ">
<p>Beach promenade in Nice; Photo: MCI</p>
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