Successful Symposium Held by the Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management Program

Date 2024-02-28

Alumni, students, and guests discussed trends and strategies on "Work in Transition"

On February 20, 2024, the symposium "Work in Transition - Trends and Strategies for the Future" of the MCI Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management program took place. The event was well-attended by alumni, students, and guests, and the lively discussions reflected a great interest in the presented topics.

Initially, four outstanding graduates shared their perspectives on the changing work environments.

Ivana Vlahusic shared her experiences on creating connections and implementing social justice in practice, based on her work at Land Tirol, in the office of Councilor Pawlata, and as a social worker at HoRuck.

Christian Glarcher, the director of the social center s*elsbethen and managing director of the Health District Hopfgarten-Itter, provided insights into the challenges and opportunities of collaborative work in the social center.

Anna Holzmeister, project coordinator at the Red Cross Tyrol, highlighted the dynamics in organizations when integrating "new" volunteers.

Manuel Zumkeller-El Manchi, a.i. Lead Data & Analytics at Roche, concluded the lecture series with insights into the world of holacratic structures and role-based work in a life sciences company like Roche.

After a refreshing coffee break, Lena Marie Glaser, a successful book author and founder of, delivered an inspiring keynote on "Work at Eye Level: How We Sustainably Shape the Future of Work." Her speech prompted reflection on innovative approaches and sustainable design of the working world.

Finally, the event culminated in a panel discussion in which all speakers were available for questions and discussions. Lukas Kerschbaumer, Head of the Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management program, moderated the discussion. Various aspects of the presented topics were explored in the discussion, and a lively exchange between the speakers and the audience allowed for a multifaceted examination of the challenges and opportunities in changing work environments.

The symposium closed with a get-together, providing all participants with the opportunity to delve deeper into the discussed topics and connect with each other. Overall, the "Work in Transition" symposium was a successful event that not only provided insights into current trends and strategies for the future of work but also fostered exchange and networking within the student body and with guests.


<p><span sans-serif=The speakers of the Symposium 2024 with the organizers of the event. ©MCI


The speakers of the Symposium 2024 with the organizers of the event. ©MCI

<p><span sans-serif=Panel discussion on the topic of "Work in transition". ©MCI


Panel discussion on the topic of "Work in transition". ©MCI

<p><span sans-serif=Lena-Marie Glaser during her keynote speech on "Work at eye level: How we are shaping the future of work sustainably". ©MCI


Lena-Marie Glaser during her keynote speech on "Work at eye level: How we are shaping the future of work sustainably". ©MCI

<p><span sans-serif=The speakers of the Symposium 2024 with the organizers of the event. ©MCI

<p><span sans-serif=Panel discussion on the topic of "Work in transition". ©MCI

<p><span sans-serif=Lena-Marie Glaser during her keynote speech on "Work at eye level: How we are shaping the future of work sustainably". ©MCI

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