Start of studies for 67 DiBSE freshers

Date 2022-09-05

We warmly welcome DiBSE Year 2022 at MCI

We welcome 67 Digital Business & Software Engineering Freshers to the MCI Campus
DiBSE opening year 22: Under bright blue skies and sunshine, 67 freshmen start the adventure of online studies. Photo: DiBSE Department

67 freshers are taking on the challenge of online studies over the next three years. The adventure kicked off on the first weekend in September at the MCI Campus, where Head of Department and Studies, Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski, welcomed the inquisitive crowd.

More than half of the 67 freshers come from the province of Tyrol, 12 from the rest of the EU, 1 student is based in Switzerland and the remaining 18 are spread across the other Austrian provinces. 28 years is the average age of this year’s DiBSE students.

On Friday, the first semester students got to know the DiBSE team members, representatives of the Austrian Student Union and the MCI Student & Career Services. They received an in-depth introduction to the virtual learning platforms Sakai and BigBlueButton, as well as the programming platform JupyterHub. The DiBSE students were also given a virtual library tour and a guided tour around the MCI campus.

On Saturday, the freshers attended their first course "e-collaboration" with lecturer Alexander Monz, MA. The new cohort is supervised by our colleague Vanessa Schmidt, Office Manager: "I would like to warmly welcome you! The next six semesters will bring new, exciting challenges. I am very happy to accompany you!"


Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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