Stephan Schlögl receives MCI Professorship

Date 2018-10-05

It was a great pleasure and honour for us to award the professorship at the MCI Management Center Innsbruck to our long-time friend, colleague and lecturer Dr. Stephan Schlögl during his inaugural.

Stephan Schlögl graduated with a degree in Management & IT and gained worldwide experience in scientific and technical fields in the following years. We are proud that he returned to the MCI in 2013. In addition to his full-time teaching activities in our degree programs (Bachelor Management, Communication & IT and Master Management, Communication & IT), he is significantly involved in research in our Digitalization Labs.

In the presence of companions, colleagues, students, friends and family, the certificate of appointment was solemnly handed over by FH-Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski, head of the study program, together with MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and Univ.-Prof. FH-Prof. Dr. Franz Pegger, chairman of the university college.

Stephan Schlögl gets his MCI professorship and a bouquet of flowers
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