MCiT Bachelor Scholarships of Excellence

Date 2018-12-20

In keeping with MCiT's annual tradition, this year's Scholarships of Excellence was awarded once again in a festive setting to outstanding students of the Bachelor's programme "Management, Communication & IT". Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski, head of the bachelor's program, invited the illustrious group to a delicious breakfast at Café Sacher Innsbruck.

Congratulations for the MCiT Scholarships of Excellence:

  • Lea Larcher
  • Lisa Langert
  • Marie Wolf
  • Marlene Männer

At this point, we would also like to congratulate our MCiT Bachelor students who were not able to join in the award ceremony due to stays abroad:

  • Astrid Innerbichler
  • Clara Egger
  • Dominic Reiter
  • Felix Salcher
  • Johannes Walter
  • Marc Schlömmer
  • Martin Hämmerle
  • Simon Pittl

Together with you, we are happy for your success!

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