Business Administration for Business Informatics – be innovative!

Date 2019-02-19

Attractive challenges for the students of the MCiT class 2018

Idea generation and project conception by MCiT Bachelor class 2018
Idea generation and project conception by MCiT Bachelor class 2018

As part of the course " Business Administration for Business Informatics" we, the students of the MCiT class 2018, were commissioned to develop innovative ideas and concepts in groups of up to seven people and to realise them accompanied by a business plan.

Supervised by MCiT lecturers Dr. Teresa Spieß, Thomas Dilger, BA, MA and Helmut Zangerl, we not only received theoretical input in the field of business plan creation, but above all direct practical relevance and we were able to gain exciting experience and expand our knowledge in this field. Above all, the direct implementation of our concepts into reality made this course unique, as MCiT student Katharina Reinelt confirms: "In the course I got a very close feeling for how my future professional career might look like.

We, first-semester students, had no limits for the composition, so we could use the free scope according to our preferences and impressed with "Cashual - Your individual wallet", "Cook & Create", "Private Paparazzi", "Regio Food", "Woamduscher", "Simple Steel", "MTN EYWR", "Ideeal", "ProteinPower" and "Kanji".

At the final presentations to the jury of the study programme Dr. Peter J. Mirski, Dr. Teresa Spieß and Helmut Zangerl, the individual groups outlined their innovative projects, described the business plan they drew up and discussed figures and business model processes together. The jury gave constructive feedback and highly appreciated the work of each individual group.

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Dr. Teresa Spieß | Organizational Psychology & Change Management Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Teresa SpießOrganizational Psychology & Change Management
 Thomas Dilger, BA MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Thomas Dilger, BA MASenior Lecturer
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