MCiT Teaching in Paris

Date 2019-03-21

With Dr. Stephan Schlögl and Dipl.-Ing. Kristian Hasenjäger

MCI and PULV lecturers in Paris
MCI and PULV lecturers in Paris

In the second week of March 2019, MCiT lecturers Stephan Schlögl and Kristian Hasenjäger travelled to Paris La Défense to inspire students at the Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci (PULV), one of our renowned partner universities, with the principles of human-machine interaction as well as agile software and product development during the International Week.

Every year, the PULV invites international lecturers to introduce their students to new perspectives and at the same time promote English as the language of instruction. From a teaching perspective, the PULV International Week offers not only the opportunity to delight young talents and professionals in a new setting but also to discuss these topics with an international group of academics and to get to know new teaching and educational cultures.

All this combined with the flair and culinary offer of the French capital city makes this stay an inspiring experience every year, where new friendships are made, and interesting research and teaching cooperations are forged.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl | Human-Centered Computing Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Stephan SchlöglHuman-Centered Computing
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