FH Forschungsforum 2019 in Wiener Neustadt

Date 2019-04-25

#FFH - 24. & 25. April 2019


Logo Forschungsforum of Austrian Fachhochschulen 2019 FFH
Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen #FFH2019

The FH Forschungsforum represents research and development activities in the Austrian FH sector. Numerous innovative projects offer the best practical support in education and further training on the one hand and essential food for thought for the development of our economy on the other.

Guided by the motto "Research moves us!" our MCiT lecturers and students presented the following topics in the field of Innovation & Digitization and Social Affairs:


Innovation and Digitization:

  • Thomas Dilger, MA, BA: Acceptance of Beacons for the Personalization of In-Store Purchases
  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl: Digital Language Assistants - A Reality Check

Social Affairs:

  • Elisabeth Schneeberger, BA & Dr. Teresa Spieß: Because I am (not) a girl: Does prosocial behaviour turn men into heroes? The effects of gender roles on the assessment of forms of reciprocity in working life.

Poster presentation:

  • Thomas Dilger, MA, BA: Supporting regional traders in entering the online retail market - a pilot study


Abstracts on the research topics (only in German):

Akzeptanz von Beacons zur Personalisierung von In-Store-Einkäufen

Digitale SprachassistentInnen - Ein Reality Check

Weil ich (k)ein Mädchen bin: Macht prosoziales Verhalten Männer zu Helden? Die Auswirkungen von Geschlechterrollen auf die Beurteilung von Reziprozitätsformen im Arbeitsleben.

Unterstützung regionaler Händler beim Einstieg in den Online-Handel - eine Pilotstudie


 Thomas Dilger, BA MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Thomas Dilger, BA MASenior Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl | Human-Centered Computing Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Stephan SchlöglHuman-Centered Computing
Prof. Dr. Teresa Spieß | Organizational Psychology & Change Management Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Teresa SpießOrganizational Psychology & Change Management
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