Blog-MCiT Insights – Semester abroad, MCiT offers you these possibilities

Date 2019-05-14



Semester abroad experience in Sydney
Semester abroad experience in Sydney

The MCiT offers us every year the possibility to study abroad. During our stay abroad, we are able to make new experience, get in touch with different cultures and make friends from all over the world. Moreover, studying abroad raises our job chances. There are several opportunities to study abroad. Firstly, we can study at a partner university.

The MCiT helps us to organize the application and to choose the right courses. The MCiT has partner universities from all over the world and is currently working on new partnerships. Secondly, if we do not want to study at a partner university it is also possible to organize the study abroad by our self as a “freemover”. If we do not want to leave Innsbruck, we can finish the 5th Semester at the MCiT with students from all over the world. Nevertheless, none of us has regretted his/her semester abroad, because it was an amazing experience for every one of us.


“The overall impression of my semester abroad could not be better. I can genuinely say that my time in Sydney was so far the best I have ever had. This contains great student accommodation, a lovely campus, great people from all over the world, high quality of the university´s facilities/lectures, friendly staff and much more.” Valentin Voelckel
(University Sydney:


You can find more information about the exchange semester in Sydney here: TWO BROS ABROAD: At the other end of the world - Two friends talk about their memorable semester in Down Under.


Authors: Eva Egg & Matthias Ellinger

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Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
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