Blog-MCiT Insights – One of many possible ways after the MCiT studies

Date 2019-05-18

Johannes entry into the professional life after the MCiT Bachelor and Master


Johannes Strasser, MCiT Bachelor- und Master-Alumnus
Johannes Strasser, MCiT Bachelor- und Master-Alumnus

What is your current position?
I am an SAP Consultant for one of the big four consulting companies and I concentrate myself especially on international implementation projects of SAP S/4 HANA Finance.

In which company are you active?
I am working for Deloitte Consulting Austria.

If you have previously worked for another company, where and in what position?
Before I worked for Deloitte and during my MCiT studies, I had founded my own startup business. Why? Because MCiT had encouraged my entrepreneurial spirit and made me curious with innovative study contents (eBusiness, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and so on) to put the acquired knowledge into practice. Over two years I have built an online business which I handed over to a successor by now. Regarding this the study program MCiT has supported me with all resources at its best.

If you work in the same company, have you been in a different position before?
After I did my master’s degree, I joined Deloitte as an analyst. This position complies with the requirements of a Junior Consultant.

How did you get to your current / past job?
Through the MCI Recruiting Forum as well as great interest in management information systems, which I had been taught during the study program MCiT.

Is there a connection between the MCiT and your job?
Definitely. The MCiT includes holistic preparation for what I am doing daily. From the expert perspective as well as from a personal perspective. (see 3 questions below)

Why did you choose MCiT?
Besides the learning content, the support of entrepreneurship, the opportunity to gain international experience and the close, practice-oriented cooperation with the economy were critical to my decision.

When did you complete your training at MCI?
BA 06/2015
MA 06/2017

How did you prepare your studies for your current job?
Professional and personal. From the professional perspective, MCiT combines management topics like process management, agile project management, change management, finance, open innovation as well as leadership with topics of communication and the popular IT trends such as cloud computing, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, analytics, etc. All these are subject areas which I deal with in my daily job routine. From a personal perspective, MCiT has supported me in developing my resilience, emotional intelligence and intercultural competence. Without these soft skills, I would not be successful in my current job.

What makes the MCiT course unique?
Today’s world of work demands a profound and economic way of thinking as well as solid IT know-how. MCiT meets exactly this interface between business and the IT world. It offers state-of-the-art and smart learning concepts as well as additional opportunities to specialize in specific topics and to spend a semester abroad and to do internships. Far from the curriculum, the MCiT master study program is renowned for study trips to Silicon Valley, the promotion of innovative business ideas and the development of startups.

Please complete the sentence "If I look back on my time at MCI today, then ..."
I am especially grateful that I was able to do my semester abroad in the city of love and thereby I have also found my greatest happiness. ?


Authors: Jana Haller & Jasmin Kofler

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