Blog-MCiT Insights – Insight MCiT lectures

Date 2019-05-16

Here you can get some insights of the lectures “application development” and “applied statistics"


Analyzing the data in applied statistics
Analyzing the data in applied statistics

Application development

Looking for a new and innovative user interface for the MCI our three fellow students, Norair Mikaelyian, Philipp Matthey and Patrik Penz came up with the idea to develop a user-friendly app: a digital attendance list. All students and our professor were immediately enthusiastic about the idea. For the students, the registration part of the attendance list becomes obsolete and works better, additionally more accurate data can be transmitted to the lecturer and the responsible team of the MCI.

A release would not only facilitate the work of the office staff, the MCI and its students could also actively determine their ecological impact on the environment. The MCI operates largely paperless, this app could even more contribute to reducing paper.

Another advantage, according to Philipp Matthey is, that the digital process minimizes the possibility of errors. Thus, the administrative activities at the MCI could be carried out in a more innovative way and help the university being even more connected with its professors and students.

Applied statistics

The students of the fourth semester MCiT created forms as part of the lecture applied statistics and analyzed those.

Our professor Mag. Aleksander Groth was helping us with finding the right question for our theme pool we were interested in. We (Katja & Joana) for example, were wondering how the Fairtrade seal is influencing the buying interest of consumers and we thought of various hypotheses we could test. After the first testing of the form we spread it via social media and sent it to our circle of acquaintances.

As the easter break was over, we started analyzing our answers with the program SPSS and presented our results on the third of may 2019. As most of us are going to base their bachelor thesis on a form, this lecture was very helpful and prepared us for the next year with writing the bachelor thesis.


Authors: Katja Kirchgatterer & Joana Beck

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Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Aleksander Groth, PhD | Digital & Organizational Communication Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Aleksander Groth, PhDDigital & Organizational Communication
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