Internship Report - Product Marketing Manager at Hilti

Date 2019-06-12

Interview with MCiT student Jamie Wiedmann

MCiT student Jamie Wiedmann
MCiT student Jamie Wiedmann as intern in the product marketing team at Hilti ©Jamie Wiedmann

What is the occupation of your internship?
Intern to support the Product Marketing Team of Chemical Anchors

How would you describe your activities in a few sentences?
My job is to optimize internal and external communication. I'm working on the internal knowledge platform to improve it and fill it with more content, and I've programmed a new SharePoint to facilitate the distribution of documents and information between headquarters and the markets. In addition, I shoot videos to give product managers worldwide a template on how to best market our products.

What is the best thing about your internship?
Our office has a very relaxed and open working environment. There are no walls or locked rooms, so everyone is in constant contact and there are no hierarchical boundaries. In addition, my work is given a lot of freedom. I get an area in which I work, but what I do with it and the goals I set for myself are entirely up to me to decide for myself. There are no limits to my creativity and my ideas.

How did the MCiT studies prepare you for your internship?
Since I learned to work independently at the MCI, this is now a great advantage for me. My IT knowledge has also been very useful to me, as well as the many times where we had to give spontaneous presentations now helps me to speak confidently in front of my team.


Do you also want to take on responsibility in product marketing and management in an international team? Jamie's internship will be available again starting in August 2019.
Click here for a detailed job description:

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