Blog-MCiT Insights - The MCI soccer team

Date 2019-07-01

All relevant information about the training process and the tournaments in which the soccer team of the MCI participates - summarized for you!

The soccer team of the MCI at this year’s “Tyrolean Academic Soccer Championship”
The soccer team of the MCI at this year’s “Tyrolean Academic Soccer Championship”

Yes, you've read that correctly. The Entrepreneurial School owns its own soccer team, which consists students from MCiT and all other study programs of the MCI. Under the direction of the MCI students Amel Memagic (MCiT) and Luca Wellenzohn (Management & Law), MCI students interested in sports can follow their passion for soccer all year round without obligation and free of charge. In summer, the soccer training sessions take place on Monday and Wednesday from 19:30 to 21:00 at the soccer field of the Union Innsbruck (Bienerstraße 18) while in winter, every Wednesday from 20:30 to 22:00 the indoor training in the HTL Anichstraße (Anichstraße 26 - 28) is on the program.  

In addition to fun, ambition also plays an important role in every training session for the MCI students, as the MCI selection takes part in the "Tyrolean Academic Soccer Championship" (Indoor- and large field championship) twice each year to compete with other student soccer teams across the country and gain the coveted title of "Academic Soccer Champion Tyrol". This entitles the winning team to participate in the "Academic Soccer State Championships", in the course of which the Austrian academic soccer champion is determined among the respective academic national champions of all 9 federal states. 

The soccer qualities of the MCI soccer team were already evident at the “College Soccer Championships” in 2016, when the MCI team was pleased to receive the title of Austrian college soccer champion after the 9-time Austrian champion and title holder, the FH Wiener Neustadt, was beaten 1-0 in a highly competitive final.

Also at this year's "Tyrolean Academic Soccer Championship" the MCI soccer team is found at the top after completing the group stage with four wins from four games as a group first and now standing in the quarterfinals.


Would you also like to be part of the MCI soccer team and participate in the "Tyrolean Academic Soccer Championship"? Then please call +43 664 4519081 (Amel Memagic) or write an e-mail to

More information about the MCI soccer team can be found here:, 

Authors: Eva Egg & Matthias Ellinger

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