Blog-MCiT Insights - 6 semesters in 5 minutes

Date 2019-08-19

4 letters, 3 years of your life, 2 areas of specialization, 1 success factor

How will your next 6 semesters look like, if you decide to study MCiT? Read this and you will know!
How will your next 6 semesters look like, if you decide to study MCiT? Read this and you will know!

Replying to the question „What are you studying?” often consigns a huge question mark at the counterpart. Not really astonishing, considering that the title of the studies “Management, Communication & IT” is broadly defined. A short summary of the contents provides clarity in most cases.

In general, every part of the segments Management, Communication and IT stretches over the whole study and is taught simultaneously. In the first semester, predominantly basics are imparted in order to equalize knowledge gaps that inevitably arise due to the diversity of the participant’s educational background. Within the scope of management, that is reflected in teaching accounting basics as well as establishing an economic foundation. On top of that, mathematical essentials are refreshed to pass into statistic analytics in later semesters consequently. In the IT segment utterly no foreknowledge is required, one starts with the power button of a computer and edges one’s way to some simple coding languages, databases as well as database modelling. Aside from those rather theoretical aspects, a particular value is put on linguistic competences and soft skills – starting at the optimization of English language through to the correct scientific approach on papers a solid basis is established on that further lectures will build up after the semester break.

Transforming databases into database-oriented systems, fundamentals of IT into operating systems and network techniques, simple HTML and CSS into VBA, adding cost accounting, and you arrived right into the second semester. The constants remain English and Mathematics, new to the portfolio are legal aspects with particular importance to data privacy. The communicational parts of the study change more and more into business-relevant lectures, wherein product- and self-marketing become the focus of attention.

Arrived at the third semester, one can choose which part of oneself shall be optimized – either excellent leadership skills or marketing by perception will describe one’s further education. As this division differs in only two to three lectures, this is the perfect opportunity to better up the skills that were neglected so far. By this point, the most intense part of the study is already over. Solely controlling as well as micro-/macroeconomics remain as subjects. In addition, general Mathematics turn into Statistics, as previously mentioned. In order to compensate for that, several lectures now demand the creative part of the brain and replace exams with exciting projects. Developing a new product, including marketing strategies just now, organizing and setting up a campaign is the next task on one’s to-do-list. In order to keep – despite all the creativity – some structure, project management and process management, as well as the application of law in the digital world, are brought to attention at the same time.

The tendency to replace exams by projects likewise remains in the fourth semester. After the first half of your study, students receive one déjà vu after the other. Already learned topics shall now be fetched and applied. The topic of the bachelor thesis arises, first tests of questionnaires are done and the issue of the subject of the bachelor thesis becomes the topic talk of the day – kinda nerve-racking but also so exciting! In addition to software engineering and the introduction to ERP systems, factors of a good application and how to create one gets explained. Furthermore, studying doesn’t constrain on university facilities any longer – now the judicial public has an eye on some of your projects, too.

After the fourth semester, one’s career as a bachelor student at the MCI campus is nearly over. Now students have the opportunity to study while travelling the world – the semester abroad is pending! Next, to the educational contents (which are square with those at MCI), foreign cultures are explored, and new friends are made. Those who don’t want to turn their back home are well cared, too, of course – they welcome all students who visit the MCiT study program for their fifth semester. At the end of the semester, all topics discussed get recapitulated as a preparation for the bachelor exam.

After five passed semesters, MCiT students prove their skills in internships. Many of the apprentices are already now offered permanent employment, some of them are already working for a company before they even have passed their bachelor exams.

Consequently, we, Angelika and Simon, would denote the title of this study as appropriate. In all of the three areas, an incredible amount of knowledge is mediated. This enables every single student to dig deeper into the favorized topics within the scope of their further occupation, and this is precisely what makes MCiT so unique!

Authors: Angelika Stecher & Simon Pittl

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Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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