Morning Talk „War for Talents“

Date 2019-10-02

Peter Mirski visits the Competence Center Innsbruck


Peter Mirski visits the Competence Center Innsbruck
Peter Mirski visits the Competence Center Innsbruck

"War for Talents" - With this motto PRISMA invited to the Morning Talk at the Competence Center Innsbruck on 1 October 2019. Numerous institutions involved in IT are located here together under one roof. The fact that the deficit of IT specialists in Austria is worsening - according to the WKO, there are 10,000 IT specialists missing throughout Austria (April 2019) - can be felt right here. Good times for graduates and young professionals from our study programs Management, Communication & IT and Digital Business & Software Engineering, a challenge for employers: In the fight for young talents, they have to break new ground and adapt their recruiting processes. Peter Mirski, head of the study programs MCiT and DiBSE, presented successful employer branding strategies to the audience, including employees of the Prisma Group, BE-terna GmbH and NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service AG. In addition, Peter Mirski provided information about cooperation opportunities with the MCI Management Center Innsbruck, gave insights into the contents of our academic courses, told about the innovations in our departments and the success stories of our bachelor and master students. Over coffee and croissants, the successful event came to an end and projects between the IT-related companies and the MCI were already being considered!

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