Lecturers on Tour

Date 2019-10-31

MCiT-moderators at international congresses in Germany

MCiT-moderators at international congresses in Germany
MCiT-moderators at international congresses in Germany

Once a year at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, the worldwide brightest minds of mathematics & informatics from meet the most talented junior researcher. Already repeatedly, the MCI was part of the forum. This year, our head of studies from MCiT & DiBSE, Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski moderated the plenum session with the title Career Path for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists in Academia and Business. In addition, also our MCiT lecturer Prof. Dr. Kilian hosted a session with the focus on Career Path in Business.

Dr. Kilian further played an active role at the annual congress of the Deutschsprachigen SAP-Anwendergruppe e. V. (DSAG) in Nürnberg. As moderator he guided through discussions around the topics collaboration and networks.

At the SAP Academic User Group Meeting in Magdeburg our MCiT lecturer was also in the spotlight besides his repeated role as moderator: For his engagement as Co-leader of the SAP UA DACH-Academic Board Dr. Dietmar Kilian was honored with the Community Award. Congratulation from the whole MCiT & DiBSE Team!

Fun & Games: Media Camp 2024 in partnership with Metagame
Fun & Games: Media Camp 2024 in partnership with Metagame
Management, Communication & IT bachelor’s students immerse themselves in the world of eSports
Of northern lights and study adventures
Of northern lights and study adventures
Jana Gufler und Eray Isik berichten von ihrem Auslandssemester in Finnland
MCiT Bachelor student Elena Wehinger completed her integrative internship in East Asia