Scholarship of excellence 2019 at MCiT & DiBSE

Date 2019-12-11

Having breakfast at the Café Sacher with our MCiT & DiBSE top-students

Having breakfast at the Café Sacher with our MCiT & DiBSE top-students. Photo: MCI
Having breakfast at the Café Sacher with our MCiT & DiBSE top-students. Photo: MCI

The current semester is in full progress and Christmas is coming up soon. This is also the time when we are once again heading back to the last semesters. Following the previous year’s tradition, we invited 25 MCiT and the first time also DiBSE students for a breakfast at the Café Sacher to celebrate their success. Each of them achieved a scholarship of excellence due to outstanding performances in their courses during the last year.

Congratulations to all of you for your amazing achievements!

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