From theory to practice

Date 2019-12-20

The Plansee Group enables our students to gain valuable practical insights into the corporate IT world

Excursion to Plansee Group. Photo: MCI
Excursion to Plansee Group. Photo: MCI

Our students of the MCiT cohort 2019 had the opportunity to take part in an excursion to the Plansee Group during the lecture Business Informatics. They experienced an exciting insight into the IT challenges of an internationally active company and were able to get an impression of the upcoming challenges due to digitization in an industrial company. Several experts were present to answer questions and giving them the opportunity to put the theoretical content of the course, taught by Thomas Dilger, MA, BA and Dr. Christian Ploder, into practice. It was a very informative and exciting day for all participants. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees of the Plansee Group for enabling this experience!

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder | Operational Excellence Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Christian PloderOperational Excellence
 Thomas Dilger, BA MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Thomas Dilger, BA MASenior Lecturer
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