MCiT Careers: What does a software consultant do?

Date 2020-08-07

MCiT Alumni Fabian Kainz gives exciting insights into his professional life


MCiT Alumni Fabian Kainz gives insights into his professional life as Software Consultant. Photocredit: MCI
MCiT Alumni Fabian Kainz gives insights into his professional life as Software Consultant. Photocredit: MCI

Even before he finished high school Fabian Kainz made the decision to study Management, Communication and IT. That was when he was 17 and he has never regretted his choice of studies. In the interview, he gives us insights into his IT career and he tells us how he sees the developments in the IT industry:

Why did you study MCiT?

I was always sure that I wanted to do something in an IT-related environment. Pure computer science was not quite my cup of tea either. At the end, the combination computer science and management tipped the scales for me.

How did your study at MCI prepare you for your professional activity as a software consultant?

It is definitely both an understanding of technical and business related issues that makes the difference. A solid understanding of business management basics and requirements helps me to grasp problems and point out possible solution scenarios on a daily basis. Subsequently, the information gained can be easily translated into specifications and requirements for software solutions and individual components.

During the study students often hear of the two "languages" – the one of management and the one of software development. To understand and speak both languages is a great advantage in practice!

What are the biggest challenges for employees of a software company at Covid-19 times and how do you face them?

Recent challenges are putting many companies to a hard test and I do not want to make a general statement for the whole industry here. In my specific case, contrary to the media mood, the trend is rather upwards.

We at POOOL support companies in the digitalization of work processes and are currently experiencing an increased interest in our products and services. Even though the willingness to invest is still cautious. The biggest challenge in this respect is to meet the requirements and situations of our clients appropriately and to support them to the best of our ability in overcoming their challenges.

How do you personally see the future of the IT industry?

It is impossible to imagine a life without IT. Also in view of the constantly increasing degree of digitalization in many industries, I see the future of the IT industry as rather secure. However, cooperations between companies (especially between large and small) could become more important. Large companies like Microsoft, Google, SAP and Co. dominate many areas, while small companies often have the specific industry knowledge. Additionally, there are startups that introduce new technologies into existing markets. It definitely remains exciting and fast moving!

What advice would you give to young people with an affinity for IT topics?

Try it out – an IT-related study gives you a good toolbox. However, it is up to each individual to apply what they have learned. Some problems have no answer or the answer is so specific that you have to find it yourself.

Learning by doing, that is the best credo for IT-topics. This can start in your own environment - e.g. just try to measure the growth of a house plant with a minicomputer and a few sensors or build your own website. Good luck for your first IT experiments!

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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