Experience Project Management up close

Date 2021-02-24

MCiT Insights: Combining theory and practice in the courses Integrative synopsis and Entrepreneurship

Theory and practice was combined in the courses Integrative Synopsis and Entrepreneurship. Our students experienced Project Management up close. Photocredit: MCI
The lecturers of the course Integrative Synopsis: Teresa Spieß, Thomas Dilger, Stephan Schlögl, Christian Ploder. Photocredit: MCI

With one laughing and one crying eye we realize, that our fifth-semester students from the Bachelor’s program Management, Communication & IT are taking big steps towards the last part of their studies. At the end of January, the last two courses for this cohort took place: The Integrative Synopsis and Entrepreneurship. Both courses were offered in an online format for the first time this year.

The course Integrative Synopsis provides our students with a well-coordinated overview of the main theoretical areas of their MCiT studies. During this four-day block event, our four internal lecturers - Teresa Spieß, Thomas Dilger, Stephan Schlögl, Christian Ploder - reviewed a variety of core topics and brought them together. The course Integrative Synopsis thus forms an ideal basis and preparation for the final Bachelor's examination.

The Entrepreneurship course covered the topic foundation of a company, both theoretically and practically. Our lecturer Thomas Dilger discussed the economical aspect and worked with the students on an exciting case study on the topic of "Drone use for vaccine transport". Patrick Petzka, former MCI student and founder of Petzka Management & Consulting GmbH and Petzka Verlag, was welcomed as a guest speaker. Mr. Petzka gave exciting insights into his practical experience and spoke about his way into self-employment!

We would like to thank our lecturers for their tireless efforts and wish our students a successful last semester!

Peter Mirski and the entire MCiTeam

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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