Internship at Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH

Date 2021-05-05

MCiT Alumna Eva Egg looks back on her unique internship period



Sometimes things turn out quite differently from what you expect. Originally, our Management, Communication & IT Bachelor’s student Eva Egg wanted to do her internship in Munich. A sports injury crossed her plans and led her to DVT Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol, the IT service provider of the province of Tyrol. Due to Corona, she spent her entire internship working from home. We asked Eva to step in front of the microphone: In the interview, she talks about her varied range of tasks and tells us what knowledge from her MCiT studies she was able to successfully apply in practice. Eva also has a tip for all students who are currently looking for an internship :-)

Dear Eva, thank you very much for the exciting insights!

<p>MCiT Alumna Eva Egg gives insights into her internship at Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH. Videocredit: MCiT</p>

MCiT Alumna Eva Egg gives insights into her internship at Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH. Videocredit: MCiT

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