Date 2019-04-09
MCiT Master Students @ Hannover Messe 2019
MCiT Master Students @ Hannover Messe 2019

One highlight of the MCiT Master Study Program in the second term is the visit of the Hannover Messe #hm19 to explore current trends. This visit increases the technological understanding in addition to the lecture "Management Information Systems" taught by Dr. Christian Ploder. The benefit for all participating students is the possibility to "touch & feel" current challenges regarding industry 4.0, digitalization, IoT and MIS with a focus on production companies.

Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder | Operational Excellence Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Christian PloderOperational Excellence
Semester Update Summer '24
Semester Update Summer '24
News from the departments of Management, Communication & IT and Digital Business & Software Engineering
Chatbots in airport customer service
Chatbots in airport customer service
Research on the acceptance of chatbots at Innsbruck Airport shows interesting results
Study Tour Silicon Valley
Study Tour Silicon Valley
A look behind the scenes of the world's most successful IT companies