Recent publications from the research unit digital transformation

Date 2022-07-26

Management, Communication & IT team successfully presents recent publications at this years KMO & LTEC and EDULEARN

The Management, Communication & IT team successfully presented their research at this years KMO & LTEC as well as EDULEARN.
f.l.t.r.: MCI Professors Stephan Schlögl, Reinhard Bernsteiner and Christian Ploder are delighted about the latest publications. Foto credit: MCiT Department

An annual fixture in our department's calendar of conferences is KMO & LTEC. The 16th edition took place in Hagen, Germany, from July 11-14. The Management, Communication & IT teaching team around Reinhard Bernsteiner, Thomas Dilger, Christian Ploder and Stephan Schlögl had four conference contributions:

KMO 2022

Köb, Schlögl, Richter: Chatbots for News Delivery - Investigations into Intrinsic Motivation and User Engagement

Olsowski, Schlögl, Richter, Bernsteiner: Investigating the Potential of AutoML as an Instrument for Fostering AI Adoption in SMEs

Ploder, Hüsam, Bernsteiner, Dilger: Agile Portfolio Management for hybrid projects: How to combine traditional and agile projects in a project portfolio

LTEC 2022

Ploder, Gamper, Ehrhardt, Hazy: Testing the Instructional Design for Knowledge Nuggets Implementation

The 14th edition of the annual EDULEARN “International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies” took place this year in Palma de Mallorca from July 4-6. Among the conference contributions from our side were:


Mirksi, Kilian, Kruschel, Rottensteiner: The Influence of Gender Composition of Mentoring Relationships on Mentors’ and Mentees’ Eexpectations towards Academic Mentoring Progams

Kilian, Mirski, Kruschel, Rottensteiner: Leveraging STEM Career Paths through Role Model Interaction

Mirksi, Kruschel, Rottensteiner: Entrepreneurial Study Tours Rethought: A Framework for Designing Virtual Study Tour Experiences

Spieß, Voelckel, Kruschel: Familiy Business or None of my Business: Factors Influencing the Employer Attractiveness of Family Businesses for the Generation Y

The papers were published with the active support of numerous MCiT students as well as alumni:

  • Lisa Ehrhardt, Bachelor MCiT JG 18 Alumna
  • Laura Gamper, Bachelor MCiT JG 18 Alumna
  • Christoph Hazy, Master MCiT JG 21 Student
  • Annalena Hüsam, Master MCiT JG 19 Alumna
  • Lukas Köb, Master MCiT JG 19 Alumnus
  • Stephan Olsowski, Master MCiT JG 19 Alumnus
  • Ellen Richter, Bachelor DiBSE JG 19 Studentin, Bachelor MCiT JG 20 Studentin
  • Arno Rottensteiner, Master MCiT JG 20 Alumnus
  • Valentin Voelckel, Bachelor MCiT JG 16 Alumnus

The whole MCiTeam congratulates the researchers on the latest publications!

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