Chatbots in airport customer service

Date 2024-07-29

Research on the acceptance of chatbots at Innsbruck Airport shows interesting results

Just in time for the vacation season, our Digital Transformation Research Unit presents exciting research results on the use of chatbots in airport customer service. In collaboration with Innsbruck Airport and the Amadeus IT Group S.A., Management, Communication & IT alumna Isabel Auer examined in her master's thesis how travelers perceive and use chatbots at the airport. The study found that travelers are more willing to use chatbots if they consider them useful, easy to use and trustworthy. Interestingly, it doesn't matter how much someone likes technology in general.

Nicole Kehle MSc, press officer at Innsbruck Airport, emphasizes the importance of such surveys: “Studies like this help us to gain new perspectives on how we as an airport can make travel even smoother and more pleasant for our passengers.

For MCI Professor Dr. Stephan Schlögl, Isabel Auer's supervisor for the master's thesis, the special interest lies in the potential of artificial intelligence applications: “In the future, we will encounter AI tools such as chatbots in many everyday situations. The aim is to understand how these tools need to be designed so that they are accepted and not feared by users. True to the motto: AI is here, let's understand and shape it, not condemn it!

The article and the anonymized data from the survey are available here for anyone interested.

Stephan Schlögl
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl Human-Centered Computing
<p>Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer</p>

Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer

<p>Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer</p>

Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer

<p>Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer</p>
<p>Nicole Kehle MSc, Press Officer at Innsbruck Airport, and MCiT master's graduate Isabel Auer are delighted with the exciting research results. © Isabel Auer</p>
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Chatbots in airport customer service
Chatbots in airport customer service
Research on the acceptance of chatbots at Innsbruck Airport shows interesting results
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