Best Paper Award – Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education

Date 2023-11-24

MCI-Prof. Johannes Siebert wins prestigious Best Paper Award

We are delighted that the article "Making a good career choice: A decision-analytical intervention to enhance proactive decision-making and career choice self-efficacy in high school students" by Prof. Johannes Siebert, Dr. Nadine Oeser, and Dr. Maxi Becker was awarded the Best Research Paper 2023 by the renowned Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.

In previous studies, Siebert/Kunz/Rolf (2020, 2021) were able to prove the effectiveness of decision-making skills training for students and managers. Taken together, the studies allow the conclusion that proactive cognitive decision-making skills can be improved through decision-making skills training and, as a result, participants experience greater self-efficacy and are more satisfied with their lives. Motivated by these research results, Prof. Siebert wanted to investigate the effectiveness of KLUG-decision-making competence trainings in analogy to these studies.

Many years of research into the theory and practice of decision-making form the basis for sound advice for teachers and parents as well as for the design and implementation of workshops with pupils. In the award-winning article, Prof. Siebert and his team develop the basics of KLUGentscheiden!, present the KLUGentscheiden! curriculum and measure its effectiveness.

Prof. Siebert and his team were able to show that  KLUG-decision-making competence trainings, which includes both the teaching of basic knowledge and practical exercises, significantly improves decision-making behavior – precisely because it strengthens cognitive skills. Above all, this includes the ability to approach decision-making situations proactively and with foresight, to gain clarity about one's own goals, to identify promising options and to make the best possible choice by weighing them up wisely. In addition, the students were shown to be able to improve their (career-related) self-efficacy.

The award ceremony took place in November 2023 during the Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute in Atlanta. Prof. Siebert accepted the award on behalf of the team of authors. He also presented the article to numerous researchers in a specialist lecture. The lively interest shown by the research community was very pleasing

The research work indicates that students in Prof. Siebert's courses in the Wirtschaft & Management for Professionals, Business & Management, Business Administration online bachelor degree programs not only learn to make more proactive decisions, but are also more satisfied with their lives as a result. This is the best we can achieve for our students.

We cordially invite all those interested to use this fascinating topic on proactive decision-making in our attractive study programs (BA Wirtschaft & Management for Professionals, BA Business & Management, BA Business Administration online) as a stimulus for your personal, academic development and to accelerate your professional career.

Those interested can gain an insight into the content of decision theory in advance. His very successful TEDxTalk "Give yourself a nudge: How you can make better decisions" provides a good introduction to the topic. In it, he shows how you can gain more influence on the things that are important to you through proactive decision-making. His free, top-rated MOOC "Proactively making smarter decisions" offers a more comprehensive introduction. In this teaser, Prof. Siebert outlines the content.


Johannes Ulrich Siebert, Maxi Becker, Nadine Oeser (2023). Making a good career choice: A decision‐analytical intervention to enhance proactive decision‐making and career choice self‐efficacy in high school students. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 21(1), 10-25. DOI:

Johannes Ulrich Siebert, Reinhard E. Kunz, Philipp Rolf. Effects of decision training on individuals’ decision-making proactivity. European Journal of Operational Research (2021), DOI:

Johannes Ulrich Siebert, Reinhard E. Kunz, Philipp Rolf: Effects of proactive decision making on life satisfaction. European Journal of Operational Research (2020), 280, 1171-1187. DOI:

<p>Professor Siebert during his presentation for the Best Paper Award ©privat</p>

Professor Siebert during his presentation for the Best Paper Award ©privat

<p>Presentation of the Best Paper Award ©privat</p>

Presentation of the Best Paper Award ©privat

<p>Professor Siebert during his presentation for the Best Paper Award ©privat</p>
<p>Presentation of the Best Paper Award ©privat</p>
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Best Paper Award – Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
Best Paper Award – Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
MCI-Prof. Johannes Siebert wins prestigious Best Paper Award