Introduction to Academic Work in the Study Programs

Date 2025-02-13

A foundation for professional and entrepreneurial success

Scientific work – the systematic search for and discovery of relevant new insights – is one of the key competencies that our students purposefully learn and deepen from the first semester onwards. At our department, we place great emphasis on gradually developing our students' ability to understand scientific texts and conduct exciting research themselves. By combining courses that impart sound scientific methods with practice-oriented projects, we promote their ability to develop and apply scientifically based solutions to entrepreneurial questions.

It is particularly important to us that our students not only acquire theoretical knowledge but can also apply it practically. Through collaborations with companies and other partner institutions, we enable them to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This linkage of theory and practice prepares them optimally for professional requirements that demand scientifically sound decisions and innovative approaches.

A central element of scientific work is adherence to quality and validity criteria. This includes the ability to use valid and reliable sources, collect and analyze data correctly, and present one's findings transparently and comprehensibly. Especially in times of increased uncertainty, such solidly developed decision-making foundations also represent a significant competitive advantage in the entrepreneurial context.

In recent times, scientific integrity – that is, ethical conduct and the avoidance of plagiarism or data manipulation – and the robustness of scientific contributions have increasingly come into focus. Various metrics exist for assessing the quality of scientific publications, such as the VHB-JOURQUAL ranking, which classifies journals according to their scientific reputation. This ranking helps identify high-quality and trustworthy sources.

Therefore, alongside practice, scientific research is not neglected with us. Our department is proud of its dedicated researchers who regularly publish in outstanding international journals. In the last two years alone, researchers at our department have achieved three and four publications in the absolute top categories A+ and A respectively. This not only shows that we are well connected in the global scientific community but also that our students have access to the latest research findings through our professors. They benefit directly from their expertise in courses and learn to develop themselves scientifically and generate new insights.

The combination of practice-oriented education and sound science creates the best conditions for the success of our students – both in academia and in practice. We place great value on ensuring that our graduates not only possess extensive expertise but are also capable of applying scientific methods responsibly. Not despite, but precisely because of rapid technological developments, high-quality education gains even more importance, because

"Education means recognizing patterns where others see something new."

This quote, whose origin is unknown, illustrates what matters: the ability to go beyond mere acquisition of knowledge and recognize connections or entrepreneurial opportunities that others overlook. After all, scientific education also enables the effective and responsible use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as their application is targeted and their results can be critically reflected upon. It is precisely these skills that we want to impart to our students – as a foundation for lifelong learning and innovative action.

Are you also considering developing your scientific competence further? Then we warmly invite you to learn more about our study programs and become part of our vibrant community.

<p>Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>

Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen

<p>Group work Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>

Group work Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen

<p>Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>

Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen

<p>Group work Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>

Group work Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen

<p>Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>
<p>Group work Sunset ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>
<p>Course Introduction to Academic Work, Group Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>
<p>Group work Boulevard ©MCI / Michael Razen</p>
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