Top result for "Business Administration Online" in CHE university ranking 2020

Date 2020-05-20

Online Bachelor program with score 1.7 among top 3 at MCI


In the latest university ranking that was published by the renowned Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), MCI once again achieved excellent results. Among the study programs evaluated at MCI, the online Bachelor program "Business Administration Online" was ranked among the top 3 with a score of 1.7.

Particularly, “Business Administration Online” convinced with top rankings in the areas of "Assistance" and "Support during studies". Maria Rabl, head of studies, is pleased with this result: "The great evaluations regarding the supervision and support of our students show that in our study program, we do everything possible to accompany students on their way to a Bachelor's degree. I am pleased that the good social climate between students and lecturers was highlighted". 

Compared to the last ranking, the online study program achieved the greatest improvements regarding the aspects "possibility to focus on specific subject-areas in the study program / freedom in the choice of modules" and "international orientation". This evaluation shows that some measures taken in the last year are already making an impact: for example, since the winter semester 2019, there is a new curriculum with extended opportunities for specialisation for students. Also, the optional international semester has been expanded.

Feedback from the CHE ranking is also useful for the further development of the study program. Maria Rabl: "The good results in the CHE ranking confirm my team and me in what we are doing. But we also take a very close look at the detailed results and use them to derive measures to further develop our study programs.”

<p>CHE ranking BWL Online; visual: BWL Online</p><p><em> </em></p>

CHE ranking BWL Online; visual: BWL Online


<p>CHE ranking BWL Online; visual: BWL Online</p><p><em> </em></p>
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